[AISWorld] CFP HICSS-57 -- Data Science and Machine Learning to Support Business Decisions

Davazdahemami, Behrooz davazdab at uww.edu
Sat Apr 1 12:59:05 EDT 2023

Dear Colleagues,

As the co-chairs for the Data Science and Machine Learning to Support Business Decisions minitrack at the 57th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-57), we would like to invite you to submit a paper and/or serve as a reviewer. A representative list of general topic areas covered in this minitrack (which is not meant to be complete or comprehensive) includes:

  *   New or improved methods and algorithms in data science or machine learning
  *   New or improved processes and methodologies
  *   Novel ways of data integration, transformation, cleaning, sampling, reduction, and visualization.
  *   Novel, interesting, and impactful applications of data science and machine learning for better managerial decision-making.
  *   Ethical and privacy issues in data science and machine learning
  *   Futuristic directions of the use of data science and machine learning in business decision-making
  *   Explainability of machine learning models
  *   Natural language processing and AI-based language models (methods and applications in business)

If you are interested in submitting a manuscript for review, please note the following deadlines (taken from the HICSS Website: https://hicss.hawaii.edu/):

June 15                 Paper submission deadline. Submit full manuscripts for review (by 11:59 pm HST). The review is double-blind; therefore, this submission must not include author names.

August 17            Notification of Acceptance/Rejection. Acceptance notices are emailed to authors by the Review System. At least one author of each accepted paper must immediately make plans to attend the conference, including initiating fiscal, visa, or other travel guarantees.

September 22    Deadline for Final Manuscript. Submit Final Paper for Publication by 11:59 pm HST.

October 1            Deadline for at least one author of the paper to register for HICSS-57. At least one author of each paper should register by this date in order secure publication in the Proceedings.

If you are willing to be a reviewer, please notify us as soon as you can, and indicate the number of manuscripts (1, 2, or more) that you would be willing to review. Also, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact any one of us.


Dursun Delen

Oklahoma State University

dursun.delen at okstate.edu<mailto:dursun.delen at okstate.edu>

Behrooz Davazdahemami

University of Wisconsin - Whitewater

davazdab at uww.edu<mailto:davazdab at uww.edu>

Hamed M Zolbanin

University of Dayton

Hmzolbanin1 at udayton.edu<mailto:Hmzolbanin1 at udayton.edu>

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