[AISWorld] Cfp HICSS57, Knowledge, Innovation, and Entrepreneurial Systems Track

Murray Jennex mjennex at sdsu.edu
Mon Apr 17 23:30:01 EDT 2023


Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-56), Oahu,
Hawaii, January 3-6, 2024


Knowledge, Innovation, and Entrepreneurial Systems Track

Knowledge Innovation and Entrepreneurial Systems focuses on the evolving
nature of work and society. Competitive, political, and cultural pressures
are forcing organizations to do more with less and to leverage all they
know to succeed. Knowledge, innovation, and entrepreneurial systems are the
systems we’re developing to facilitate collaboration, socialization, and
work to improve knowledge capture, storage, transfer and flow. The use of
knowledge and the systems that support it fosters creativity and innovation
while providing the infrastructure of organizational learning and
continuous improvement. This track explores the many factors that influence
the development, adoption, use, and success of knowledge, innovation, and
entrepreneurial systems. These factors include culture, measurement,
governance and management, storage and communication technologies, process
modeling and development. The track also looks at the societal drivers for
knowledge systems including an aging work force, a remote work force and
its need to distribute knowledge and encourage collaboration in widely
dispersed organizations and societies, and competitive forces requiring
organizations of all types to adapt and change rapidly. Increasingly, these
systems rely on systems and associated analytics to support knowledge
assets. Finally, the track addresses issues that impact society in the use
of these systems in what is now called the “new norm.” These issues include
disinformation and forgetting, social identity, social justice, remote
socialization, resource allocation, and decision making, including
automated, augmented, artificial, and human based decision making.  Papers
are invited that address any of these issues through the following

Computing Education

Design and Appropriation of Knowledge, Chatbot and Other AI Systems

Design and Architectures of Data-Centric and Knowledge Based Systems

Digitalization of Work

EdTech and Emerging Technologies

Game-based Learning

Global Digital Business

Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice

Knowledge Flow, Transfer, Sharing, and Exchange

Knowledge and Learning Applications in Practice

Knowledge Value, Success and Performance Measurements

Securing Knowledge, Innovation, and Entrepreneurial Systems and Managing
Knowledge Risks

The Future of Knowledge Management: Visions, Opportunities, and Challenges

The Technical, Socio-Economic, and Ethical Aspects of AI

Important dates (https://hicss.hawaii.edu/

June 15, 2023:                  Submission Deadline

August 17, 2023:             Notification of Acceptance/Rejection

September 22, 2023:      Deadline for Submission of Final Manuscript for

January 3-6, 2024:           HICSS Conference

Track Co-Chairs:

Murray Jennex, Gensler Professor of Computer Information Systems

Paul and Virginia Engler College of Business

West Texas A&M University

mjennex at wtamu.edu<mailto:mjennex at wtamu.edu>

Dave Croasdell

Accounting and Information Systems Department

University of Nevada, Reno

davec at unr.edu

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