[AISWorld] HICSS-57 - CFP - Geospatial Big Data Analytics

Farkas, Prof. Dan J. dfarkas at pace.edu
Mon Apr 24 12:14:04 EDT 2023

Dear colleagues,

The Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__hicss.hawaii.edu_&d=DwMFAg&c=n6-cguzQvX_tUIrZOS_4Og&r=dmR-OtAg2p30HSi7S_PzAjCN6z6E4KBrPELvg5XDYpU&m=RuVgKhlBy_oZYpj_7fSWX80p5PFD4ko_d_1W2TPR2BE&s=PxxuXF4XJIKTSg2PJ99thj0tEmvf7w5uCYUfxG9Hwhs&e=>) is known worldwide as one of the longest-standing working scientific conferences in Information Technology Management. HICSS provides a highly interactive working environment for top scholars from academia and industry from over 60 countries to exchange ideas in various areas of information, computer, and system sciences. Papers published in HICSS proceedings have been cited extensively for many years, across a spectrum of disciplines.

We are excited to share that the Location Intelligence specialty area will be holding a minitrack on Geospatial Big Data Analytics.

We encourage you to consider this unique opportunity to showcase your research in geospatial big data using cutting-edge scientific approaches to provide spatial insights to complex problems and systems in business, government, and society. The goal of this mini track is to highlight the use and potential of Geospatial Big Data in a range of areas, including but not limited to:

*         Geospatial Big Data and Commercial Services: Analyses that explores the advancements in geospatial big data for business functions, including in store behavior analysis, variety and price optimization, product placement design, improve performance, labor inputs optimization, and distribution and logistics optimization.
*         Geospatial Big Data and Health Care: Analyses that addresses data advancements in clinical decision support systems, individual analytics applied for patient profiling, personalized medicine, and disease pattern identification.
*         Geospatial Big Data and the Public Sector: Analyses that explores the use of geospatial big data for improving transportation, accessibility, social services, service delivery, and policy decision-making.
*         Geospatial Big Data and Personal Location Data: Research related to indoor and outdoor individual location tracking.
*         Geospatial Big Data and Location Intelligence: Analyses that introduce and enhance such emerging areas of space-time modeling, spatial analytics, locational decision-making, geography of the sharing economy, and social media analytics.

Paper submission deadline is JUNE 15, 2023.

Please see the HICSS website for more information on the location intelligence track<https://hicss.hawaii.edu/tracks-55/location-intelligence/> and submission guidelines<https://hicss.hawaii.edu/minitrack-chairs/>.

Feel free to email Joe Aversa (javersa at ryerson.ca) if you have any questions.


Dr. Joe Aversa, Assistant Professor
Ted Rogers School of Management, Ryerson University
Toronto, On M5B 2K3, Canada
javersa at ryerson.ca

Dan Farkas, PhD
Professor, Information Systems Department
Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems
Pace University, Pleasantville, NY

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