[AISWorld] Announcing the 3rd SIG DITE PDW at the University of Miami

Julian Lehmann j.lehmann at asu.edu
Thu Jun 15 08:05:38 EDT 2023

Dear all,

We are thrilled to announce the 3rd AIS SIG DITE Paper Development workshop, proudly sponsored by the University of Miami and Queens University, to be held in-person in Miami, FL on November 17, 2023. After two successful years of running the workshop online, we are excited to bring together leading scholars in the areas of digital innovation, transformation, and entrepreneurship for this in-person event.

The workshop offers a platform for young and senior researchers to present and discuss their ongoing work, obtain feedback, and improve their work. The workshop welcomes work-in-progress as well as more mature papers. The workshop will also feature a keynote speech by ISR editor-in-chief Suprateek Sarker and a panel on theorizing digital phenomena featuring Youngjin Yoo and Nicholas Berente.

To participate, please submit an extended abstract of 3,000 words to sigditepdw at gmail.com<mailto:sigditepdw at gmail.com> as early as possible but no later than August 31st. Notifications of acceptance will be sent out on a rolling basis, beginning July 7. Full (working) papers for accepted abstracts will be required by September 20. Please follow this link for more information: https://www.herbert.miami.edu/faculty-research/business-conferences/ais-sig-dite-paper-development-workshop/index.html.

Please join us and submit your research to our workshop and help us spread the word to your students, friends, and colleagues. We believe this to be an exciting opportunity for our community, and we look forward to seeing many of you in Miami.

The workshop neither requires copyright transfer nor publishes proceedings, such that you can submit papers submitted to ICIS, AoM, and other conferences to the workshop. Of course, the fantastic weather in Miami in November is another reason to attend the workshop.

Please do not hesitate to reach in case you have any questions.


Julian Lehmann, on behalf of the organizing committee

Robert W. Gregory,
Katharina Drechsler,
Ola Henfridsson,
Kathryn Brohman

Assistant Professor
W.P. Carey School of Business
Department of Information Systems
Arizona State University

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