Prof. Sujeet K. Sharma sujeet at iimnagpur.ac.in
Tue Oct 10 00:50:16 EDT 2023

Dear Colleagues,
Consider to submit your one page (400 words) proposal to the following DIET

The broad goal of the DIET forum is for practitioners from the information
systems (IS) industry and IS academic researchers to meet and understand
each other’s work. Though both groups, practitioners and academics, have
synergies, IS conferences traditionally have not enabled a forum for them
to interact, learn from each other, and gain insights. This forum aims at
initiating this interaction through research presentations, panel
discussions, and keynote talks.

Some specific takeaways from the forum would be:

·  Insights from leading experts.

·  Policy, research, and practical implications for both academic
researchers and practitioners on IT/IS products and services.

·  Enhance awareness of both groups about current activities and trends.

One key domain the Forum will focus on is Digital Transformation and
Citizen Services. The focus is on issues of digitalization in firms and
organizations, and on the vast scope of enabling citizen services through
digital platforms. Work describing applied research or outlining potential
opportunities for applied research in understanding the challenges in
provision of citizen services at high-scale, to high-diversity populations
is of particular interest to this forum.

We invite short proposals from presenters who would like to discuss some
project of Digitalization and Citizen Services that they have implemented
or have been involved with. The proposal should be no more than one page in
length (about 400 words), and include the following:

1. A brief (few sentences) description of the project.

2. An overview of its implementation status (whether completed or ongoing).

3. Some challenges of design and implementation.

4. Some comments on the outcomes achieved, and key learnings.

5. Potential research questions or opportunities that arise from the

On a second page please include a brief bio (100 words) of your background
and current role.

Please submit a document (in either pdf or .docx or .odt format) to
dietforum.icis2023 at gmail.com

Deadline for submission of proposals: 29 October 2023.

Submissions to the DIET forum will be evaluated, and proposers will be
intimated by November 15, 2023.

Website link:

*Dr. Sujeet K. Sharma, Ph.D.*
Professor (Decision Science & Information Systems Area)
Indian Institute of Management
MIHAN, Nagpur, Maharashtra 441108
Office Phone No: 0712-287-0532;
Office No: 124

Email: sujeet at iimnagpur.ac.in <sujeet at iimtrichy.ac.in>, sujeetks1 at gmail.com

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