[AISWorld] CFP Advanced Visual Interfaces and Interactions in Cultural Heritage (AVICH 2024)

Tsvi Kuflik tsvikak at is.haifa.ac.il
Fri Jan 26 10:30:17 EST 2024

 <https://avi2ch-24.di.unito.it/index.html> Advanced Visual Interfaces and
Interactions in Cultural Heritage  (
<https://avi2ch-24.di.unito.it/index.html> AVICH 2024) -

Cultural Heritage (CH) is a challenging domain of application for novel
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), where visualization plays
a major role in enhancing the visitors' experience, whether onsite or
online. Technology-supported natural human-computer interaction is a key
factor in enabling on-site and online access to CH assets. Recent advances
in ICT enhance visitors' access to online collections as well as their CH
experience onsite, bringing even wider audiences than those who visit the
physical museums. The range of visualization devices - from tiny smartwatch
screens, through wall-size situated public displays, to the latest
generation of immersive Head-Mounted Displays - together with the increasing
availability of real-time 3D rendering technologies for online and mobile
devices and, recently, Internet of Things (IoT) approaches, Social Robotics,
requires exploring how they can be applied successfully in CH.

The workshop aims to bring together researchers and practitioners interested
in presenting and discussing the potential of state-of-the-art advanced
visual interfaces in enhancing our daily cultural heritage experience. This
year the workshop theme will be: AVI for accessibility in CH.

 Topics: Any work that is at the same time relevant to the AVI 2024  general
list of topics and that is being applied to cultural heritage is relevant to
the workshop. Specific topics of interest, when applied to cultural heritage

*	Adaptive and Context-Aware Interfaces
*	Personalized User Interfaces
*	Information Visualization
*	Interface Metaphors
*	Interfaces for e-Culture and e-Tourism
*	Mobile Interaction
*	Multimodal Interfaces (Voice-based interaction, Brain Computer
Interaction, etc.)
*	(Multi) Sensory Interfaces
*	(Multi) Touch Interaction
*	Virtual and Augmented Reality
*	Natural Interaction (gestural and touchless interaction, interaction
with IoT, etc)
*	User Interfaces for the Internet of Things
*	Head-Mounted Displays
*	Conversational Interfaces
*	Human-Robot Interaction
*	AVI for accessibility in CH
*	AVI for CH in the era of post COVID 19 (virtual tours, remote
attendance etc)

Submission types may be long research papers - reporting on complete
research (8 pages), short papers reporting on work in progress (4 pages) or
position papers presenting novel ideas (2-4 pages). Especially encouraged
late-breaking ideas and results related to studies presented at the main AVI

We intend to publish all the accepted papers in a dedicated CEUR-WS volume.

Submission will be done via easychair:

Hence, all submissions must be formatted according to the CEUR format:

As an example please see: https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1621/

Important dates

Submission: March 27, 2024; 

Notification to authors: April 22, 2024; 

Camera ready: May 5, 2024; 

Estimated workshop date: June 4, 2024.

Berardina (Nadja) De-Carolis, University of Bari Aldo Moro (Italy)

Cristina Gena, University of Torino (Italy)

Tsvi Kuflik, The University of Haifa (Israel)

Antonio Origlia, University of Naples Federico II, (Italy)

Julia Sheidin, Braude Academic College, (Israel)




Tsvi Kuflik, PhD.

Professor of Information Systems,

  Information Systems department,

  The University of Haifa

  Email: tsvikak at is.haifa.ac.il <mailto:tsvikak at is.haifa.ac.il> 

  Home page: https://tsvikak.hevra.haifa.ac.il

  Tel: +972 4 8288511

  Fax: +972 4 8288283


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