[AISWorld] AMCIS 24 - Mini Track: Human Factors in Information Privacy & Security (ADIT)

Arturo CANO BEJAR acanobej at asu.edu
Mon Feb 5 11:02:51 EST 2024

Dear Colleagues,

The SIGADIT community at AMCIS 2024 will be offering a mini track focused
on the Human Factors in Information Privacy & Security determining the
Adoption and Diffusion of Information Technology (ADIT) (
https://amcis2024.aisconferences.org/track-descriptions/#toggle-id-2). We
invite you to share your ideas and obtain relevant feedback to further
develop your manuscript.


The adequate development of inclusive information privacy and security
policies and interventions profoundly depends on how stakeholders perceive
and mitigate privacy and security issues. This mini track emphasizes the
need for research on how cultural values, social needs, stress and anxiety,
technology capabilities, organizational and regulatory practices influence
the adoption, modified use, or abandonment of technology. We welcome ideas
that advance our understanding of how individuals engage with privacy and
security issues, the factors driving their decisions, and the significance
of digital equity in safeguarding their information and identity. We
envision this space as a forum for the presentation and discussion of
privacy and security challenges including innovations such as household
technology, autonomous cars, AI, and IoT. We also invite research focused
on Security Education and Awareness Training (SETA). To foster a global
discussion of these important issues, this mini track is open to all
quantitative and qualitative research methods.

We welcome all ideas *within the domain of information privacy and security
and with effects on the resistance, diffusion, modified use, and
abandonment of information technologies,* in the following directions (but
not limited to them):

- Cultural nuances in perceptions of information privacy and security.

- The short and long-term effects of information privacy and security

- The short and long-term impacts of digital safeguarding strategies on
information privacy and security.

- Human behaviors and attitudes impacting information privacy and security

- Challenges in the information privacy and security of autonomous cars,
household tech, and others.

- Peers' behavior influences in information privacy and security.

- Information privacy and security challenges in interconnected information

- Information privacy and security compliance.

- Stress and anxiety due to information privacy and security issues.

- Privacy and security regulations such as information/data ownership,
transparency, and profiling.

- Recovery mechanisms such as coping and resilience to information privacy
and security issues.

- Privacy and security in online communities (i.e., healthcare
communities), and darknet forums.

- Operationalization of single and multi-dimensional constructs such as
concern, control, etc.

- Information privacy and security concerns in healthcare.


Mar 1st, 2024: Submissions are due at 10 am EST; May 1st, 2024: Final
decisions for authors


Full Papers (10 pages, ~5,000 words); Emergent Research Forum Papers (5
pages, ~2,500 words); Papers must conform to the submission templates
Submissions should be sent electronically to the system

All submissions will be peer-reviewed using a double-blind system. Papers
should not have been published previously in proceedings or journals, nor
be under review elsewhere. It is the general objective of the mini track
that after significant updating, papers will be submitted to a premier
outlet. Thus, accepted Full Papers to the mini track will be published in
their entirety in the conference proceedings. Authors of accepted Emergent
Research Forum Papers (research-in-progress) may submit an abstract for
publication in the proceedings OR a revised paper. For past proceedings
see: https://aisel.aisnet.org/amcis/

Questions regarding paper submissions can be sent to: acanobej at asu.edu,
ilja.nastjuk at wiwi.uni-goettingen.de, simon.trang at wiwi.uni-goettingen.de. At
least one author must register and attend the workshop to present the paper
and a brief video presentation for FP and ERF paper will be required if the
work is accepted.

We look forward to your submissions!

Ph.D. Arturo Cano Bejar
W. P. Carey School of Business
Arizona State University

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