[IRIS] Ph. D position available at Linköping university

Sofie Pilemalm sofie.pilemalm at liu.se
Tue Oct 19 03:01:27 EDT 2021

Dear colleagues, 

Kindly reminder, still some time to apply, please help to spread

best regards Sofie Pilemalm




PhD student in Infrainformatics with focus in emergency response at Linköping university Sweden. 

Volunteers are increasingly seen as societal resources, in Sweden and internationally, including emergency management, first response and crisis management. You will be a part of the research programme "Effective Response at the Future Incident Site" which is carried out at the Center for Advanced Research in Emergency Response (CARER), an inter-disciplinary research environment at LiU  (https://liu.se/forskning/carer <https://liu.se/forskning/carer> ). The specific focus for the Ph.D. project is how to use volunteers as first responders at the incident site, including organizational development, systems development, planning, logistics, resource management, design/prototyping and evaluation of IT-support for volunteers.

You can have a background in, for example, systems development, information systems, logistics, communication systems, risk management, organizational/business development, design science, cognitive science or computer science. The Ph. D. project will involve both qualitative and quantitative research methods. Knowledge in both types of methods is thus deemed meriting. Knowledge of the application domain emergency and crisis response is also meriting but not necessary.  

Please apply at: 

Vacancies - Linköping University (liu.se) <https://liu.se/en/work-at-liu/vacancies?rmpage=job&rmjob=17257&rmlang=UK> 



Best regards
Sofie Pilemalm

0734 61 31 31

Professor Informatics, Director Centre for Advanced Research for Emergency Response (CARER), Linköping university 

Adjunct Professor Information Systems, Centre for Integrated Research in Emergency Management (CIEM), University of Agder




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Telefon: 013-734613131
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Besök oss gärna på: liu.se <https://liu.se/>  


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