[IRIS] Call for Abstracts - STSItalia Conference

Enrico Maria Piras piras at fbk.eu
Sun Dec 18 11:10:42 EST 2022

Apologies for cross-posting

Dear colleagues,

please consider submitting an abstract for the upcoming 9th STS Italia
Conference in Bologna, Italy, June 28–30 2023 at our panel.

Website: https://eventi.unibo.it/stsitalia2023/panel-9

deadline for abstract submission: January 15, 2023

Notification of abstract acceptance / rejection by February 20, 2023

Conference dates: June 28–30 2023


*Panel 19:  Imaginary organisations for reinvented professions.
Technological expectations and the construction of the world.*

Organizers: Enrico Maria Piras; Roberto Lusardi

Social studies of science and technology have a longstanding interest in
Expectation Studies since the pioneering and (now) classic reflections on
the mutual shaping of social and technology order (Bijker & Law 1994).
Anticipations are crucial in understanding sociotechnical change given
their role in every stage of the process and they have a generative role in
securing funding, ensuring coordination of groups of actors and across time
(vertical and temporal coordination) (Borup et al. 2006). From use cases
crafted to guide designers in the development to the definition of pilot
implementation settings, yet-to-be-created artifacts are narratively
artefacts are narratively placed in scenarios whose realisation is the
first moment in which heterogeneous engineering is practised. In this
respect, expectations inscribed in use cases participate in users’
configurations just as scripts embodied in the technical artefact (Grint &
Woolgar 2013). Expectations regarding the reconfiguration of organisational
and professional practices can be constructed in a rigorous and formalised
manner. They can follow the detailed analysis of the context or even with
the full involvement of future users, as in the traditions of Computer
Supported Cooperative Work or Participatory Design. Or they can or simply
be sketched to justify the new artifact and attract potential investors.

This panel intends to propose a reflection on a specific dimension of
expectations focussing on those relating to new organisational
configurations and new ways of interpreting professional roles. While
imaginary organisations for reinvented professions can be created with the
sole purpose to provide a working scenario for developers, they are part of
a transformative-normative device that aims to shape new arrangements by
proposing an ethos to which actors should conform. Scenarios illustrate the
conditions under which technologies can exist, showing how organisations
and practitioners must reconfigure themselves and anticipate who should be
blamed if they fail. In this respect, organisational configurations and
professions are both the precondition and the outcome of the introduction
of technical innovations.

The panel aims at gathering and promoting confrontation between scholars
working at the intersection of STS, organization and profession studies and
design. Even if to the trained eyes of scholars from such traditions such
imaginary organizations and reinvented professions may appear at times
naïve if not completely unrealistic, we would like to devote our attention
to their analysis to investigate the implicit assumption they are based on
and their word-making role in the process of innovation.

We invite contributions to explore how technoscientific promises create
imaginary organizations and professions and how such scenarios are created,
contested, and enacted at all stages of innovation.


Enrico Maria Piras <https://ehealth.fbk.eu/people/profile/piras>, PhD
researcher at Health & Wellbeing Center, Fondazione Bruno Kessler
Office: +39 0461 314126

Associate Editor -Sociology Compass- Section "Health & Science"

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