[IRIS] CfP Pre-ECIS SIGSEC Workshop on Cybersecurity, Privacy, and Infrastructures

Marko Ilmari Niemimaa marko.niemimaa at uia.no
Wed Mar 1 04:34:16 EST 2023

We hereby invite participants to a pre-ECIS workshop on Cybersecurity, Privacy, and Infrastructures to be held on June 13, 2023 in Kristiansand, Norway.

Please, see the attached CfP for more information or visit the workshop webpage at:

Call for Papers

Infrastructures are key to the functioning of any contemporary society and organization, but they are also key for the protection of those societies and organizations. While some infrastructures are more critical than others, they all are inherently vulnerable and exposed to cyberattacks. Further, while some of the infrastructures are built for functionality and effectiveness, some of them are built specifically for security.

Information systems has a long history of infrastructure studies (e.g., Star & Ruhleder, 1996). What has largely been missed from these discussions is security. For instance, in a research agenda for infrastructure studies, security is hardly mentioned (Tilson et al., 2010). Are concerns of security and privacy so indifferent for the development and evolution of infrastructures that they deserve to fade in the background? Clearly not. One can hardly understand the development of Internet and its current materialization without reference to security. The once ideological goal of an open space for unbounded sharing of information has become a fragmented space of isolated small islands surrounded by firewalls and intrusion prevention systems to keep the “enemy at the gates” (Whitman, 2003). Further, advancements in security technologies have contributed importantly to the development of new forms of infrastructures such as decentralized marketplaces.

Some infrastructures are built for security. These security infrastructures are socio-technical and material assemblages that seek to protect and control individuals, organizations, and societies, e.g., as materialized in collectives of organizational policies, technological fabric, and normative structures. Thus, they are not merely technological but also social which is crucial as “overly technological accounts of infrastructure fail to highlight the consequences of technology for data privacy and security” (Parmiggiani & Grisot, 2019). These infrastructures are often reifications of standardized “best practices” that prescribe measures as components of the infrastructures they constitute, and that inscribe behaviour within these infrastructures (Hanseth & Monteiro, 1997). The wide adoption of the standardized practices has meant that those who are touched and controlled by the security infrastructures are many. Consequently, their development, implementation, and evolution concern a much broader audience than the rather marginal groups of niche experts responsible for their implementation. Further, the same technologies that afford security infrastructures can also be exploited for malicious purposes, e.g., to sell illegal goods (Spagnoletti et al 2021), to create massive-scale botnets for coordinated and targeted attacks against individuals, organizations, and even some of the most powerful societies. They empower individuals and groups with unprecedented force to cause havoc on a large scale.

Several prominent Norwegian IS scholars have spearheaded discussions and research, especially on information infrastructures (e.g., Hanseth, Monteiro, Aanestad). Given the Norwegian context of this year’s ECIS, we invite scholars to engage with the intersection of information infrastructures and cybersecurity to provide empirical and conceptual accounts that develop fresh ideas, new perspectives, concepts, and theories that can progress our understanding of cybersecurity, privacy, and infrastructures. In addition, we welcome other related studies dealing with more traditional IS security (e.g, security behaviour, policy compliance) and privacy topics.

The topics for the workshop include but are not limited to:

  *   Implications of cybersecurity for infrastructure development, implementation, and evolution.
  *   Designing and implementing security and privacy of infrastructures
  *   Dynamics of security infrastructures, e.g., what are the generative forces of security infrastructures; how security infrastructures establish governance, control, and discipline.
  *   How security standards and standardization proliferate through infrastructuring
  *   Vulnerabilities and resilience of infrastructures.
  *   Socio-technical conceptualizations of security infrastructures
  *   Continuity and resilience of infrastructures
  *   Critical perspectives on cybersecurity and the implications of security infrastructures for individuals, organizations, and societies
  *   Controlling security behavior and privacy (e.g., policy compliance, privacy by design)

Marko Niemimaa (marko.niemimaa at uia.no), University of Agder
Paolo Spagnoletti (pspagnoletti at luiss.it), Luiss University
Jonna Järveläinen (jonna.jarvelainen at utu.fi), University of Turku
Wael Soliman (wael.soliman at uia.no.fi), University of Agder
Mikko Siponen (mikko.t.siponen at jyu.fi), University of Jyvaskyla
Obi Ogbanufe (obi.ogbanufe at unt.edu), University of North Texas

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