[AISWorld] Faculty Position - Information Systems - Graduate School of Business - Bar-Ilan University, Israel

David G. Schwartz 1davidschwartz at gmail.com
Tue Aug 24 03:32:31 EDT 2010

Tenure-track faculty position

Information Systems Division 

Graduate School of Business Administration 

Bar-Ilan University



The Information Systems Division invites applicants with teaching and
research experience to apply for a tenure track faculty position.
Applicants must have completed a PhD in Information Systems, Computer
Science, or a closely related field and show high research and teaching
potential, with publications in top-tier journals.  Lecturer, Senior
Lecturer, or Professor ranking will be commensurate with qualifications and
experience.  Preference is for applicants with an existing faculty position,
at any level, though candidates currently undertaking post-doctoral
fellowship research may apply. A broad range of research interests will be
considered though candidates should note teaching requirements will cover
areas beyond those of their core research interests.


The Graduate School of Business Administration offers MBA and PhD degrees,
as well as Executive MBA and International MBA programs.  Presently no
undergraduate teaching is required.  Bar-Ilan University is the largest
university in Israel and the official teaching language of the university is
Hebrew, though there is the opportunity to deliver some courses in English. 


The School will be conducting interviews of select candidates at the 2010
Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (http://www.mcis2010.org/)
being held in Tel-Aviv, Israel, September 12-14, 2010.


Applicants should send a full resume including a short description of
research and teaching interests by e-mail to: Yael Carmi:
Yael.Carmi at mail.biu.ac.il 



Dr. David G. Schwartz

Information Systems Division

Graduate School of Business Administration

Bar-Ilan University, Israel

 <http://www.faculty.biu.ac.il/~dgs> www.faculty.biu.ac.il/~dgs


Editor, Internet Research

 <http://www.emeraldinsight.com/intr.htm> www.emeraldinsight.com/intr.htm



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