[AISWorld] CFP: IT Professional Special Issue on Social Networking & Collaboration

Ali Tafti atafti at illinois.edu
Wed Oct 6 02:21:32 EDT 2010

Call for Papers (CFP): IT Professional

Social Networking & Collaboration

Submission Deadline: 1 Dec 2010

Publication: July/August 2011

Information technology has transformed social networking and collaboration.
Increasingly, businesses use social networking technologies to foster
knowledge management and to transform their approach to marketing,
advertising, research, and stakeholder engagement. As individuals and
businesses discover the potential and value of IT-enabled social networks,
there is a need to articulate and quantify the antecedents of adoption,
diffusion, business value, and societal impacts of social networks.

The July/August 2011 issue of IT Professional will focus on social
networking and collaboration. Topics of interest include, but aren't limited
to, the following:

    * Emerging applications of social networking and collaboration in
business processes and personal life

    * Approaches to assess the value of social networking and collaboration
at the individual, business, and societal levels

    * Best practices to implement social networking and collaboration

    * Use of social networking and collaboration in the nonprofit and
government sectors

    * Potential and pitfalls of social networking and collaboration

    * Applications and value of social networking and collaboration in
emerging economies

We welcome research summaries; articles on best practices, strategies, and
policies; case studies; experience reports; and essays on the current state
of practice relating to social networking and collaboration.

Feature articles should be no longer than 4,200 words (with tables and
figures each counting as 300 words) and have no more than 20 references.
Illustrations are welcome. For detailed author guidelines, please visit
www.computer.org/itpro/author.htm. For more information about this journal
and special issue, see

To submit an article, see https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/itpro-cs.

For more information, contact the Guest Editors:

    * Sunil Mithas, University of Maryland

    * Thomas Costello, UpStreme

    * Ali Tafti, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Ali Tafti, PhD
Assistant Professor, College of Business
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
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