[AISWorld] Cfp Practice Research Workshop

Göran Goldkuhl goran.goldkuhl at liu.se
Tue Dec 28 06:20:13 EST 2010

First Call for papers

International and Inter-disciplinary Workshop on
Practice Research
June 8, 2011, Helsinki, Finland


There is a growing recognition that research in professional practices needs approaches that well reflect the character of such practices. It is necessary to adapt ontology, epistemology and methodology. How should we conduct inquiries in workpractices? What kind of knowledge is expected? What are the driving knowledge interests? How is practical relevance ensured? What kinds of interventions are adequate in work practices? How should we arrange cooperation between researchers and practitioners? There are several pending issues. The interest for an adapted research approach on workpractices is growing. This can be seen in several disciplines. Such a research orientation can be labelled practice research. Practice research can comprise different research approaches such as action research, interactive research, design research, evaluation research, pragmatic inquiry and collaborative inquiry among others.

An International and Inter-disciplinary Workshop on Practice research

What has been stated above motivates an inter-disciplinary knowledge exchange on practice research. An international and inter-disciplinary workshop on Practice research will be arranged. We welcome researchers from many fields for an open and constructive knowledge exchange. The organisers of this workshop come from the disciplines of Information systems and Social work. We welcome paper submissions from these disciplines as well as others. The workshop will follow an ordinary scientific procedure with submission of papers and selection of papers through peer-review (pursued by an international and interdisciplinary program committee).

Dates and submission details

Submissions: March 25, 2011
Notification: April 30, 2011
Final manuscripts: May 25, 2011
Workshop: June 8, 2011, Helsinki, Finland (just before the 19th European Conference on Information Systems, ECIS-2011)

The workshop website is www.vits.org/practiceresearch2011/. Papers are expected to be between 5-15 pages. Submissions should be sent as e-mail attachments to goran.goldkuhl at liu.se. Workshop proceedings will be electronically distributed. Selected papers from the workshop will be forwarded to review and publishing in the journal Systems, Signs & Actions.

Workshop topics

Possible topics for the workshop (not an exhaustive list; related issues are welcome):
•                    Pragmatic foundations for practice research
•                    What is meant by a practice turn in science?
•                    The practice notion; typical features of (work)practices
•                    Socio-materiality of practices
•                    Different roles in practices; professionals vs. clients
•                    Studying communities of practices
•                    Studying virtual practices
•                    Improvement of practices through research
•                    Practice research and the development of professions
•                    Understanding practices from inside vs. outside
•                    Researcher - practitioner collaborations
•                    Practitioner involvement in research
•                    Ethical concerns in practice research
•                    Single-practice vs. cross-practice research (case study design)
•                    Strategies and methods for inquiry in practices
•                    Qualitative data collection in practice research
•                    Exploration and learning in practice research
•                    Interpretation, understanding and intervention in practice research
•                    Grounding strategies in practice research (induction, abduction, multi-grounding)
•                    Reflection, conceptualisation and theorizing in practice research
•                    Practice research as engaged scholarship
•                    Action research as practice research
•                    Design research as practice research
•                    Evaluation as practice research
•                    Practice research with a positive lens
•                    Critical research in practice research
•                    Epistemological foundations of practice research
•                    Knowledge for local vs. general practice
•                    Situated vs. abstract knowledge in practice research
•                    Knowledge results; concepts, theories, methods, models and artefacts
•                    Practical theories, design theories, practice theories, activity theories, action theories
•                    Examples of practice research
•                    Practice research in social work, information systems and other fields

Workshop co-chairs

Göran Goldkuhl, professor of information systems, Linköping University (goran.goldkuhl at liu.se)
Ilse Julkunen, professor of social work and practice research, Helsinki University (ilse.julkunen at helsinki.fi)


AIS Special interest group on Pragmatist IS research (SIG Prag)
Department of Management and Engineering, Linköping University, Sweden
Department of Social Work, Helsinki University, Finland

Programme Committee

Mark Aakhus, USA
Pär Ågerfalk, Sweden
Steven Alter, USA
Karin Axelsson, Sweden
Michel Avital, The Netherlands
Richard Baskerville, USA
Dubravka Cecez-Kecmanovic, Australia
Rodney Clarke, Australia
Stefan Cronholm, Sweden
Ritva Engeström, Finland
Shirley Gregor, Australia
Karin Hedström, Sweden
Rudy Hirschheim, USA
Juhani Iivari, Finland
Synnöve Karvinen-Niinikoski, Finland
Karlheinz Kautz, Denmark
Jenny Lagsten, Sweden
Mikael Lind, Sweden
Kalle Lyytinen, USA
Jeffrey Nickerson, USA
Angela Nobre, Portugal
Markku Nurminen, Finland
Jan Pries-Heje, Denmark
Matti Rossi, Finland
Gillian Ruch, UK
Mareike Schoop, Germany
Jonas Sjöström, Sweden
John Venable, Australia
Trevor Wood-Harper, UK

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