[AISWorld] Cloud Computing Emerging Regions: Prospects and Challenges - CFP, ICTer

San Murugesan san.muruges at gmail.com
Mon Jan 17 01:57:29 EST 2011


*Cloud Computing Emerging Regions: Prospects and Challenges
*International Journal on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions (ICTer)*


Important Dates:
• *Submission Deadline: 28th February 2011*
• Publication: September 2011

A number of converging factors have given rise to cloud computing’s
emergence as a new IT service delivery model that is attractive to
businesses and individual users. Cloud computing, in which applications,
data and computing resources are provided as a service to users through the
Internet, promises to offer utility-like availability of huge computing
resources at low cost, higher flexibility and better scalability. This new
computing delivery model poised for causing a paradigm shift in IT.
According to The Economist, "The rise of the cloud is more than just another
platform shift that gets geeks excited. It will undoubtedly transform the
information technology (IT) industry, but it will also profoundly change the
way people work and companies operate. It will allow digital technology to
penetrate every nook and cranny of the economy and of society, creating some
tricky political problems along the way." Cloud computing is particularly
attractive to emerging regions and developing countries.

As cloud computing now begins to move from the fringe to the mainstream,
there is considerable excitement (and hype) surrounding the movement among
its various stakeholders. Corporations are eagerly investing in promising
cloud computing technologies and services. Several IT companies have begun
developing and deploying cloud computing platforms, applications and tools.
IT departments in many enterprises are now being asked, or soon might be
asked, to explore how their organizations can embrace cloud computing and
deploy and monitor applications on a cloud.
Given the current interest in this topic among researchers, IT professionals
and the IT industry, an upcoming issue of International Journal on Advances
in ICT for Emerging Regions (ICTer) will focus on cloud computing in the
emerging regions. We solicit papers for this issue covering a range of
topics, including:

• Emergent cloud computing applications for emerging regions
• Current status and future prospects of clouds
• Cloud app development processes and methods
• Cloud computing architectures and frameworks
• Data management within and across clouds
• Business and scientific applications on the clouds
• Software development, testing and delivery on the clouds
• Deployment of cloud applications
• Cloud services in emerging regions
• Cloud economics and pricing
• Performance and reliability issues
• Security, privacy, and portability of cloud applications and data in the
• Testing and evaluation of cloud apps, quality assurance, and QoS
• Service level agreements and liability
• Meeting regulatory and compliance requirements; managing risks
• The Open Cloud: Cloud Computing and open source software
• Issues and challenges in embracing cloud computing
• Impact of cloud computing

We welcome articles presenting *research work in the related areas*, *novel
cloud apps, best practices, cloud computing strategies and policies, case
studies* on cloud applications, and *essays that identify* *research issues
and challenges*. Though specific focus of this issue is on cloud computing
in the context emerging regions, articles dealing with all aspects of cloud
computing are welcome.

Submit your article by *28th February 2011* at

Select: Special Issue on Cloud Computing as Journal Section.

For author guidelines, see

If you have any queries, please contact the Guest Editor at
san1[at]internode[dot]net or the Journal manager CJ Kumarage,

Guest Editor
San Murugesan
Associate Editor, ICTer Journal
University of Western Sydney & BRITE Professional Services
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