[AISWorld] PAJAIS New articles

TPLIANG tpliang at faculty.nsysu.edu.tw
Wed Feb 23 10:02:41 EST 2011

Pacific Asia Journal of AIS has publised Vol. 4 No. 2. You are welcom to visit its website

at http://journal.ecrc.nsysu.edu.tw/pajais/ for free download.

Its content is below:

1. Editorial: Publication Profile of the First Two Years (Ting-Peng Liang)

In the past two years, PAJAIS has published 26 research papers by 84 authors/guest editors from 14 countries/regions. Table 1 below shows the geographical distribution of the authors, which indicates the international nature of the journal. The United States of America is still the largest source of contributor, due to its large research capacity. Taiwan and China (including Hong Kong) are ranked second and third, followed by New Zealand and Australia. We certainly would like to publish more papers from other countries in Asia Pacific, such as Japan, Korea, India, and so forth. Unfortunately, we have not received enough quality submissions from these countries

2. Agility in Information Systems: Enabling Capabilities for the IT Function

George Hobbs, Rens Scheepers


This research identifies how the IT function can create agility in existing information systems. Agility is the capability to quickly sense and respond to environmental perturbations. We con-trasted perspectives on agility from a widely used industry framework and that of the IS re-search literature. Beer’s Viable System Model was a useful meta-level theory to house agility elements from IS research and it introduced cybernetic principles to identify the processes re-quired of the IT function. Indeed, our surveys of 70 organizations confirmed that the applied theory better correlates with reported agility than does existing industry best practice. 
The research conducted two quantitative surveys to test the applied theory. The first survey mailed a Likert-type questionnaire to the clients of an Australian IT consultancy. The second survey invited international members of professional interest groups to complete a web-based questionnaire. The responses from the surveys were analyzed using partial-least-squares mod-eling. The data analysis positively correlated the maturity of IT function processes prescribed by the VSM and the likelihood of agility in existing information systems. We claim our findings ge-neralize to other large organizations in OECD member countries.
The research offers an agility-capability model of the IT function to explain and predict agility in existing information systems. A further contribution is to improve industry ‘best practice’ frame-works by prescribing processes of the IT function to develop in maturity.

3. Adoption of Internet-enabled Supply Chain Integration: Institutional and Cultural Perspectives

Hefu Liu, Weiling Ke, Kwok Kee Wei, Jibao Gu, Huaping Chen


Fostering supply chain integration (SCI) via Internet technologies has been widely regarded as a critical factor for firm success. Internet-enabled SCI may help enhance firms’ capabilities in technology, product and market development, and thus allows firms to initiate or adapt to com-petitive changes in the market. Yet, the decision on Internet-enabled SCI is challenging due to the high uncertainties involved. Research on the antecedents of Internet-enabled SCI is of in-terest to both researchers and practitioners. Based on the view of upper echelons theory (UET), this research derives a syncretic model for firms’ adoption of Internet-enabled SCI by presenting senior executives’ cognitions as firms’ perceived institutional pressures, and senior executives’ values as firms’ organizational culture. Results from a survey show that institutional pressures and a culture that values organic process have a strong impact on firms' inclination toward In-ternet-enabled SCI. In a
 ddition, we find that institutional pressures and organizational culture have interaction effects on Internet-enabled SCI.

Ting-Peng Liang

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