[AISWorld] Publication of Vol 13, No 1, 2011 issue of Information Systems Frontiers

Nan Xiao nanxiao at buffalo.edu
Tue Mar 15 20:24:57 EDT 2011

Dear Colleagues:
Information Systems Frontiers announces the special issue on Terrorism
Informatics Vol 13, Number 1, 2011
Here is the list of articles:

1. Introduction to special issue on terrorism informatics
Hsinchun Chen, Yilu Zhou, Edna F. Reid & Catherine A. Larson

2. Tracking and disrupting dark networks: Challenges of data collection and
Nancy C. Roberts

3. Computational approaches to suspicion in adversarial settings
David B. Skillicorn

4. Information control and terrorism: Tracking the Mumbai terrorist attack
through twitter
Onook Oh, Manish Agrawal & H. Raghav Rao

5. A microblogging-based approach to terrorism informatics: Exploration and
chronicling civilian sentiment and response to terrorism events via Twitter
Marc Cheong & Vincent C. S. Lee

6. Analyzing the semantic content and persuasive composition of extremist
media: A case study of texts produced during the Gaza conflict
Sheryl Prentice, Paul J. Taylor, Paul Rayson, Andrew Hoskins & Ben

7. A multi-region empirical study on the internet presence of global
extremist organizations
Jialun Qin, Yilu Zhou & Hsinchun Chen

8. “Where’s Farah?”: Knowledge silos and information fusion by distributed
collaborating teams
Stephen C. Hayne, Lucy J. Troup & Sara A. McComb

9. Identity matching using personal and social identity features
Jiexun Li, G. Alan Wang & Hsinchun Chen

10. Domain-specific Chinese word segmentation using suffix tree and mutual
Daniel Zeng, Donghua Wei, Michael Chau & Feiyue Wang

Other articles

11. Tag-only aging-counter localization for the R-LIM2 system
Jung-Wook Choi & Dong-Ik Oh

12. Leveraging information sharing to configure supply chains
Rong Liu & Akhil Kumar

Best regards
Nan Xiao
ISF Webmaster
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