[AISWorld] Please vote for my daughter Mary to win a Today Show trip to the royal wedding - THANKS!!

Weible, Rick weible at marshall.edu
Tue Mar 15 12:46:27 EDT 2011

Hi AISWorld lists,

My daughter Mary is one of three finalists in the Today Show's contest to win at trip to London for the royal wedding.

Please take a minute to vote for her to win at http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/42009391/ns/today-today_people/

Invite your friends to vote too!!!!

(Please excuse multiple requests)


Dr. Rick Weible
Marshall University
Division of Management, Marketing and MIS
419 Corbly Hall  - One John Marshall Drive
Huntington, WV 25755
email: weible at marshall.edu
phone: 304-696-2673  fax: 304-696-6013
"Character is doing the right thing when nobody is looking."

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