[AISWorld] P A C I S 2 0 1 1 ... C a l l f o r P a n e l s

Guy Gable g.gable at qut.edu.au
Sun Apr 10 19:38:21 EDT 2011

P A C I S   2 0 1 1 ...  C a l l   f o r   P a n e l s
... the premier venue for networking with IS Academe in Pacific Asia

Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems
Brisbane, Australia, 7-11 July 2011.
See http://mlaa.com.au/pacis2011/index.htm

PACIS'11 invites panel proposals. The panels should address timely and interesting topics in line with the conference theme "Quality IS Research in Pacific Asia". Panel proposals are expected to address new, exciting, and controversial issues. They should be provocative, informative, and entertaining. Panels should include a Chair and 3-6 panelists and run for approximately 1.5 hours with discussion.

Panel proposals should be no more than a single page indicating: (i) the proposed panel title, (ii) a 250-word abstract describing the proposed content and conduct of the panel; (iii) the panel chairperson and likely panel participants, as well as (iv) full contact details of the Chair. Proposals are to be emailed to info at pacis11.org<mailto:info at pacis11.org> by 6 May 2011. Decisions will be announced by 13 May.

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