[AISWorld] CFP: "IT goes green: ..." / deadline: Sep.15.2011 / IJITSA

Manuel Mora T. mmora at securenym.net
Tue May 31 12:18:00 EDT 2011

*************************** CALL FOR PAPERS *******************************
SUBMISSION DUE DATE:  September 15, 2011
SPECIAL ISSUE ON “IT goes green:  Systemic approaches to IT policy making,
design, evaluation and management”
International Journal of Information Technologies and the Systems Approach
(IJITSA): http://www.igi-global.com/ijitsa

Guest Editor:
Dr. José-Rodrigo Córdoba Pachón, Royal Holloway, University of London

Economic recession, global environmental concerns and availability of
mobile technologies among other factors have contributed to the emergence
of alternative computing infrastructures,  products and service that
promise individuals and organizations cleaner and more responsible
information processing.  A scheme that is now being popularized and put
forward by technology providers is that of ‘cloud’ computing, which could
help organizations reduce their operation and capital expenses whilst
giving flexibility to consumers and end users.  The benefits of this and
other schemes are yet to be realized in particular regarding their
environmental impacts within and beyond data processing facilities. 
Concerns about availability of energy to fuel computing platforms, mobile
devices, offices or households still remain.  Technology providers are
competing to provide sophisticated devices and services whilst trying to
balance their production and recycling processes with their carbon
footprints.  There are opportunities and challenges lying ahead for
technology designers, managers and users in taking environmental and green
concerns forward.

This special issue aims to facilitate debate and contributions on how the
systems approach in its various forms and applications can help addressing
issues of design, service use and implementation of computing
infrastructures and facilities that emerge when environmental requirements
are to be met.  We intend to gather theoretical and practical
contributions from academics practitioners, policy makers or planners who
can provide systemic accounts of how technology can better conceived of or
positioned in the wider societal and environmental spheres.

Topics to be discussed in this special issue include (but are not limited
to) the following:

•Cloud computing, private or public clouds, mobile clouds
•Design of ‘green’ devices, computing platforms or computing infrastructures
•Evaluation of environmental impacts of information systems
•Information technology recycling
•Systemic methodology to plan and implement green IT policies or regulations
•Green supply chains supported by information technologies
•Conceptualisations of relationships between regulation, production and
reuse of information technologies.
•Green IT Frameworks and Metrics
•Green IT Strategies (virtualization, consolidation, cloud computing,
responsible disposal, 3Rs,  among others)
•Green IT curriculum

Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit papers for this
special theme issue “IT goes green:  Systemic approaches to IT policy
making, design, evaluation and management”  on or before September 15,
2011. All submissions must be original and may not be under review by
All submitted papers will be reviewed on a double-blind, peer review
basis. Papers must follow APA style for reference citations. All
submissions must be sent electronically to guest editor at
[J.R.Cordoba-Pachon at rhul.ac.uk] with copy to [ijitsa at gmail.com] on or
before September 15, 2011.

ABOUT International Journal of Information Technologies and the Systems
Approach (IJITSA):  The Journal of Information Technologies and Systems
Approach (IJITSA) is an academic and practitioner journal created to
disseminate and discuss high quality research results on Information
Systems and related upper and lower level Systems as well as on its
interactions with Software Engineering, Systems Engineering, Complex
Systems and Philosophy issues, through rigorous Theoretical, Modeling,
Engineering or Behavioral studies in order to explore, describe, explain,
predict, design, control, evaluate, interpret, intervene and/or develop
organizational systems where Information Systems are the main objects of
study and the Systems Approach –any variant- is the main research
methodology and philosophical stance used. This journal is an official
publication of the Information Resources Management Association
(http://www.igi-global.com/ijitsa), and it is semi annually published
(both in print and electronic form).

EiC: Frank Stowell, University of Portsmouth, UK
OEiC: Manuel Mora, Autonomous University of Aguascalientes, México
Published: Quarterly (both in Print and Electronic form)

International Editorial Review Board

•	Russell L. Ackoff, (1917-2009), University of Pennsylvania, USA
•	G.A. Swanson, (1939-2009), Tennessee Technological University, USA

•	Bela A. Banathy, Saybrook Institute, USA
•	Yaneer Bar-Yam, New England Complex Systems Institute, USA
•	Ovsei Gelman, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México
•	Adolfo Guzmán-Arenas, Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN), México
•	Michael C. Jackson, University of Hull, UK
•	George J. Klir, State University of New York, USA
•	Andrew P. Sage, George Mason University, USA
•	Barry G. Silverman, University of Pennsylvania, USA

•	David Brown, (AE) University of Lancaster, UK
•	Miroljub Kljajic, (AE) University of Maribor, Slovenia
•	Robert Cloutier, (AE) Stevens Institute of Technology, USA
•	Denis Edgar-Nevill, (AE) Canterbury Christ Church University, UK
•	Rory O'Connor,  (AE) Dublin City University, Ireland
•	Philip Dobson (AE),  Edith Cowan University, Australia

ERB on information systems
•	Steven Alter,	University of San Francisco, USA
•	Jeimy Cano, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia
•	Ashish Gupta, Minnesota State University Moorhead, USA
•	Evangelos Katsamakas, Fordham University Business School, USA
•	Paul Lewis, University of Lancaster, UK
•	Neil McBride, De Montfort University
•	Wullianallur R. Raghupathi,	Fordham University Business School, USA
•	Rahul Roy, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, India
•	Hans  Vanderheijden ,  University of Surrey, UK

ERB on software and systems engineering
•	David Bustard, University of Ulster, Ireland
•	Robert Cloutier, Stevens Institute of Technology, USA
•	John Farr, Stevens Institute of Technology, USA
•	Moti Frank, Holon Institute of Technology, Israel
•	Gavin Finnie,	Bond University,  Australia
•	Carina Gonzalez, Universidad de la Laguna, Spain
•	Rafael Gonzalez, Universidad Javieriana, Colombia
•	Dursun Delen,  Oklahoma State University, USA
•	Payam Hanafizadeh,	Allameh Tabatabae'i University, Iran
•	Carlos Legna, Universidad de la Laguna, Spain
•	Rory O’Connor, Dublin City University, Ireland
•	Doncho Petkov,  Eastern Connecticut State University, USA
•	Denis Nevill,  Canterbury Christ Church University, UK
•	Jack Ring, INCOSE, USA
•	Nick Seizemore, INCOSE, USA
•	Kosheek Sewchurran,	University of Cape Town,  South Africa
•	Javier Suarez, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico
•	Annette Steenkamp, Lawrence Technological University, USA
•	Frank Tsui, Southern Polytechnic State University, USA

ERB on research methods and philosophical issues
•	James Courtney,  Louisiana TechUniversity, USA
•	Rodrigo Cordoba,  Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
•	Manfred Drack, University of Vienna, Austria
•	Wolfgang Hofkirchner,  Vienna University of Technology, Austria
•	Loet Leydesdorff, ASCoR, The Netherlands
•	Gerald Midgley, Hull University, UK
•	David Paradice,  Florida State University, USA
•	Eleanor Wynn, Intel, USA

The International Journal of Information Technologies and the Systems
Approach (IJITSA) is published by IGI Global (formerly Idea Group Inc.),
publisher of the “Information Science Reference” (formerly Idea Group
Reference), “Medical Information Science Reference”, “Business Science
Reference”, and “Engineering Science Reference” imprints. For additional
information regarding the publisher, please visit www.igi-global.com.
All submissions should be directed to the attention of:

International Journal of Information Technologies and the Systems Approach


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