[AISWorld] Post-doc/PhD Positions at the University of Haifa, Israel in Medical Informatics

Mor Peleg peleg.mor at gmail.com
Mon Jun 6 03:01:07 EDT 2011

Dear Colleagues,

I would appreciate it if you could pass this position advertisement along to
anyone that you think might be interested.

The *Process: Knowledge and Decisions
* lab at the Department of Information Systems
<http://is.haifa.ac.il/>, University
of Haifa <http://www.haifa.ac.il/index_eng.html>, Israel is looking for

Post-doc researcher and PhD students

Working on Medical Informatics for the EU project
MobiGuide <http://mis.hevra.haifa.ac.il/%7Emorpeleg/PKD/MobiGuide.html>:
personalized clinical-guideline based distributed decision-support systems
and body-area networks

*About the Project:*

Mobiguide is a large-scale integrated project (IP) in the Seventh Framework
Programme (FP7) of the EU. The project coordinator is Prof. Mor
Peleg<http://mis.hevra.haifa.ac.il/%7Emorpeleg/>from the
PKD <http://mis.hevra.haifa.ac.il/%7Emorpeleg/PKD> group, Department of
Information Systems, University of Haifa. The project's duration is 4 years
and is expected to start on October 1st, 2011.

Our consortium includes 13 complementary partners from academia, industry,
and healthcare institutions in 5 different countries. MobiGuide will develop
a patient guidance system that integrates hospital and monitoring data into
a Personal Health Record (PHR) accessible by patients and care providers and
provide personalized secure clinical-guideline-based guidance also outside
clinical environments. MobiGuide's ubiquity will be achieved by having a
Decision Support System (DSS) at the back end, and on the front end by
utilizing Body Area Network (BAN) technology and developing a coordinated
light-weight DSS that can operate independently.

MobiGuide will be validated on pre-selected clinical domains with intensive
vs. sparse monitoring to demonstrate the generality of the design and assess
functionality, feasibility, and impact.


*About the positions*

*Post-doc position*

The position is a 24 month appointment that is potentially renewable up to
48 months based on strong performance.

The post-doc researcher will work closely with the MobiGuide's team at the
University of Haifa, including the PhD students and software developer, and
with the consortium's partners. The post-doc will lead the research of
designing, developing, and evaluating service-oriented software that would
support mapping of declarative clinical guideline knowledge to data found in
a personal health record (PHR) that integrates different types of data.
These data include structured medical data such as medications, diagnoses,
and laboratory test results, bio-signal data collected from monitoring
devices, patient context data, clinical abstractions, and events generated
from the clinical decision-support system. The mapping will enable the
clinical guideline engine that is at the heart of the decision-support
system to query the patient data while high-level abstractions are used by
the formalized clinical guideline. The work will extend the Knowledge-Data
Ontology Mapper (KDOM<http://mis.hevra.haifa.ac.il/%7Emorpeleg/PKD/KDOM.html>)
by supporting new mappings, mappings of new data types, generating queries
that operate on potentially different kinds of databases (relational,
XML-based formats), and supporting a service-oriented architecture.
Additional tasks include evaluation of different standards for the PHR.

The applicant must have a PhD degree in Information Systems or Computer
Science and have deep experience in one or more of the following areas:
ontologies, information systems analysis and design, decision-support
systems, medical informatics, programming languages, service-oriented
architecture, databases, software engineering. The candidate should have
good communicative skills in English, both in speaking and in writing;
moreover, candidates are expected to realize research ideas in terms of

The work will be done in collaboration with researchers and developers from
the University of Haifa, Israel, ATOS Origin (Madrid), ZorgGemak BV (The
Netherlands), and Ben-Gurion University, Israel.

Please send a cover letter, resume, research statement describing past
experience and career goals in the area of medical informatics or software
engineering/system analysis, and three professional references to
morpeleg at is.haifa.ac.il.  Screening of applicants will begin on June 25,
2011 and continue until the position is filled. Background check is

*PhD positions*

Two positions are available.

One position concerns development of process-learning algorithms and tools
that would be used to study the variations in execution for chronic care
processes and their resulting outcomes, and propose clinical guideline
improvements for specific patient contexts. These algorithms would extend
the work done by researchers from the University of Haifa on learning
process model (LPM <http://mis.hevra.haifa.ac.il/%7Emorpeleg/PKD/LPM.html>),
which was developed for the domain of business processes; the extension to
the domain of chronic disease management would need to adapt LPM for
processes where there is no definitive goal at which the process terminates.

The second position concerns development of an ontology of patient context
(including not only clinical context but also socio-demographic and
technological context, and quality of data) and their effect on clinical
decision-making. The research will also develop and evaluate a methodology
for eliciting such information based on clinical guidelines.

The applicants must have a Masters degree in Information Systems or Computer
Science. Medical or biological background is preferred. For the first PhD
position, the candidate should have deep experience in machine learning. For
the second PhD position, the candidate should have deep experience in one of
the following areas: ontologies, medical informatics, information systems
analysis and design, decision-support systems. The candidate should have
good communicative skills in English, both in speaking and in writing.
Moreover, candidates are expected to realize research ideas in terms of

The work will be done in collaboration with researchers and developers from
the University of Haifa, Israel, and other partners of the MobiGuide

Please send a cover letter, resume, research statement describing past
experience in the area of medical informatics or software engineering/system
analysis, and three professional references to morpeleg at is.haifa.ac.il.
 Screening of applicants will begin on June 25, 2011 and continue until the
position is filled. Background check is required.

The University of Haifa is an equal opportunity employer and actively seeks
diversity among its employees. The salaries of post-doctoral researchers,
and the scholarships of the PhD students at the University of Haifa are
regulated by HU's Research Authority and are in accordance with the
expertise assumed by the position and the cost of living in Israel.

The* EURAXESS Israel portal
<http://www.euraxess.gov.il/UI/Main/Home.aspx>*contains all necessary
information for a researcher moving to Israel or
Europe; it provides information on entry and visa conditions, taxes and
social security, general information about Israel and job opportunities.


Mor Peleg
Assoc. Prof. of Information Systems
Head, Department of Information Systems
University of Haifa, 31905, Israel
Email: morpeleg at is.haifa.ac.il
URL: http://mis.hevra.haifa.ac.il/~morpeleg/
Phone: 972-4-824-9641
Fax: 972-4-828-8522
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