[AISWorld] Interest in IS project management course collaboration?

Timo.Lainema at tse.fi Timo.Lainema at tse.fi
Mon Jun 6 06:05:22 EDT 2011

Hello World,

I am looking for teachers interested in collaboration in running a joint master's level project management course.

We have taught a course called "Management of IS projects" in Turku School of Economics, Finland, now around 10 years. The course is 6 credits, realized in English and already fully virtual. Most of the students have been Finnish but some 1/3 of them are exchange students from US and European countries. The students have come from 3-4 Finnish different universities, the ones outside Turku School of Economics through our Open University. The learning platform used is Moodle.

As the course is both virtual and in English, it would be quite easy to run it jointly between Turku School of Economics and one or two other universities, with similar programs and student base. The added value would be the potential for truly international project assignments (which do not exist in the present course structure). Of course the working load of the teachers in both ends should not get heavier that it is already (though the course would become better and make more sense to the students).

If there is anyone interested in arranging a joint course with true international collaboration between the students, I am eager to discuss about the possibility. I am happy also to provide you the existing course structure and other course information, and student feedback from last year. I am looking for partners who are willing to work hard to create a truly unique and useful course for their students.

Best regards,

Timo Lainema
Timo Lainema, PhD
Assistant Professor, Turku School of Economics, Inf. Syst. Science
Adjunct Professor, University of Turku, Education
Mobile, FIN: +358 (0)400 445 913
Email: timo.lainema at tse.fi

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