[AISWorld] ILAIS 2012: save the date

Daphne Raban draban at univ.haifa.ac.il
Mon Jul 18 16:15:08 EDT 2011

Dear Colleagues,
Please save JUNE 24th, 2012 for the Sixth ILAIS 2012 conference which will be held at the University of Haifa, hosted by:
Graduate School of Management, Dept. of Information & Knowledge Management
Department of Information Systems
Sagy Center for Internet Research

It’s not too early to think about submitting your work for review to ILAIS 2012.  A call for papers will be sent during the Fall.

Please forward this invitation to faculty members, graduate students, and anyone you think is relevant.

We look forward to seeing you in Haifa,

Daphne Raban                                                  Mor Peleg                                           Sheizaf Rafaeli
Head, Dept. of Information &                     Head, Dept. of                                  Head, Graduate School of Management &
Knowledge Management                            Information Systems                      The Sagy Center for Internet Research

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