[AISWorld] ECIS, Barcelona, 10-13 June 2012: Proposals sought for panel sessions

Galliers, Robert rgalliers at bentley.edu
Mon Oct 24 16:40:44 EDT 2011

Dear Colleagues

As you know, ECIS is one of the premier venues for IS researchers from Europe and beyond. We invite proposal for panels that provide a forum to present, explore and debate provocative topics and emergent trends in the IS discipline. Panels should inform or challenge the IS community, bringing together at least four experts offering new or controversial insights.

Panel sessions are 90 minutes long. Successful panel proposals should be able to answer these following questions:

- Focus of panel: What is the theme of the panel? Who is the target audience? What will the audience get from attending the panel?

- Panelists: Who is going to chair the panel and ensure that it runs successfully? Who are the panelists? What position will they represent?

- Structure of panel: How will the panel be structured? How will the panel involve the audience?

The panel proposal should not exceed 4 pages and should include:

- Short summary of the panel topic

- Short statement of how this panel will engage the audience and contribute to the conference and theme

- List of the panelists and their positions, including links to CVs of the panelists.

The panel co-chairs welcome requests to discuss panel ideas prior to submission. Panel proposals are to be submitted using the review system.

For details, please refer to http://www.ecis2012.es/panels/

Jörg Becker, University of Münster and European Research Center for IS, joerg.becker at ercis.uni-muenster.de<mailto:joerg.becker at ercis.uni-muenster.de>

Bob Galliers, Bentley University, rgalliers at bentley.edu<mailto:rgalliers at bentley.edu>

Robert Winter, University of St. Gallen, robert.winter at unisg.ch<mailto:robert.winter at unisg.ch>

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