[AISWorld] CFP & TOC: International Journal of E-Services and Mobile Applications (IJESMA)-Vol. 3(4)

Ada Scupola ada at ruc.dk
Mon Nov 14 04:37:45 EST 2011

The contents of the latest issue of:

*International Journal of E-Services and Mobile Applications (IJESMA)*

Official Publication of the Information Resources Management Association

Volume 3, Issue 4, October-December 2011

Published: Quarterly in Print and Electronically

ISSN: 1941-627X EISSN: 1941-6288

Published by IGIPublishing, Hershey-New York, USA

www.igi-global.com/ijesma <http://www.igi-global.com/ijesma>

Editor-in-Chief: Ada Scupola, Roskilde University, Denmark


Personality Traits and Consumer Behavior in the Mobile Context: A 
Critical Review and Research Agenda

Kaan Varnali, Istanbul Bilgi University, Turkey

Research focusing on consumer behavior in the mobile context is rapidly 
accumulating. However, the role of personality traits in explaining and 
predicting users' perceptions regarding mobile services and behavior 
within the mobile context is conspicuously under-researched. If 
consumers are considered as dispositional entities, this lack of 
researcher interest on the role of personality traits on the value 
creation processes of mobile consumers should be scrutinized. Striving 
to provide guidance as to why and how to incorporate personality-based 
variables within prospective research models attempting to explain and 
predict consumer behavior in the mobile context, this research 
critically assesses the-state-of-the-art and presents a conceptual 
discussion regarding related future research avenues.

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Information Technology and Supply Chain Management Coordination: The 
Role of Third Party Logistics Providers

Pier Paolo Carrus, University of Cagliari, Italy

Roberta Pinna, University of Cagliari, Italy

Logistics Service Providers (3PL) have become important players in 
supply chain management. In a highly competitive context characterized 
by "time compression", a successful strategy depends increasingly on the 
performance of Logistics Service Providers as they play a key 
integrative role linking different supply chain elements more 
effectively. However, the role of the information technology capability 
of these 3PL has not drawn much attention. The research question is: can 
IT be viewed as a fundamental supply chain management coordination 
mechanism? If so, does IT capability of third party logistics providers 
to improve performance in the supply chain and become a bigger factor in 
a strategic buyer-3PL relationship? By drawing on earlier research on 
the supply chain management coordination mechanism, the IT capability of 
third party logistics providers, a case study is conducted.

To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.


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Behavioral Intention Towards Mobile Banking in India: The Case of State 
Bank of India (SBI)

N.Thamarai Selvan, National Institute of Technology, India

B.Senthil Arasu, National Institute of Technology, India

M. Sivagnanasundaram, Kirloskar Institute of Advanced Management 
Studies, India

The rapid growth of mobile technologies and devices makes it possible 
for the customers of banking services to conduct banking at any place 
and at any time. Today, most of the banks in the world provide mobile 
access to its customers for banking as mobile banking systems improve 
their efficiency and reduce transaction costs. Banks invested heavily in 
the mobile banking system hoping that its customers would embrace it 
with open arms. Contrary to the expectation, the lukewarm patronage to 
mobile banking makes it crucial to understand the factors that 
contribute to users' intention to use mobile banking. This study extends 
the applicability of technology acceptance model (TAM) to the mobile 
banking context. Based on the review of literature, few additional 
constructs were added to the TAM. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was 
used to test the casual relationships proposed. Findings of the study 
support the proposed model's ability of explaining the users' intention 
to adopt mobile banking.

To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.


To read a PDF sample of this article, click on the link below.



Applications of Intelligent Agents in Hospital Search and Appointment System

Tyrone Edwards, University of Technology, Jamaica

Suresh Sankaranarayanan, University of West Indies, Jamaica

Access to the correct healthcare facility is a major concern for most 
people, many of whom gather information about the existing hospitals and 
healthcare facilities in their locality. After gathering such 
information, people must do a comparison of the information, make a 
selection, and then make an appointment with the concerned doctor. The 
time spent for this purpose would be a major constraint for many 
individuals. Research is currently underway in this area on 
incorporating Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to improve 
the services available in the health industry. This paper proposes an 
agent based approach to replicate the same search operations as the 
individual would otherwise do, by employing an intelligent agent. The 
proposed agent based system has been simulated and also validated 
through implementation on an individual's smart phone or a PDA using 
JADE-LEAP agent development kit.

To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.


To read a PDF sample of this article, click on the link below.



For full copies of the above articles, check for this issue of the 
*International Journal of E-Services and Mobile Applications (IJESMA)*in 
your institution's library. This journal is also included in the IGI 
Global aggregated "*InfoSci-Journals*" database: 


Mission of IJESMA:

The *International Journal of E-Services and Mobile Applications 
(IJESMA)* promotes and publishes state-of-the art research regarding 
different issues in the production management, delivery and consumption 
of e-services, self services, and mobile communication including 
business-to-business, business-to-consumer, government-to-business, 
government-to-consumer, and consumer-to-consumer e-services relevant to 
the interest of professionals, academic educators, researchers, and 
industry consultants in the field.

Coverage of IJESMA:

Topics to be discussed in this journal include (but are not limited to) 
the following:

·Adoption and diffusion of e-services

·Business models for mobile services

·Conceptual foundations and theoretical frameworks of e-services

·Differences between services and e-services







·E-services and business models

·E-services and competences

·E-services and entrepreneurship

·E-services and human resource management

·E-services and innovation

·E-services and knowledge management

·E-services and SMEs

·E-services and strategies

·E-services in the building industry

·E-services in the financial industry

·E-services in virtual worlds

·Internet-based companies providing e-services

·Issues related to e-services, self service, and mobile applications

·IT enabled self-services

·Mobile applications

·Mobile services

·Service science


·Transition from industrial to service and e-service economy

·Web-based portals offering different kind of services

Interested authors should consult the journal's manuscript submission 
guidelines www.igi-global.com/ijesma <http://www.igi-global.com/ijesma>.

All inquiries and submissions should be sent to:

Editor-in-Chief: Ada Scupola at ada at ruc.dk <mailto:%20ada at ruc.dk>

Ada Scupola
Associate Professor, MBA, Msc., Ph.D
Department of Communication, Business and Information Technologies
Hus 44.3
Roskilde University
DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark
Tel: + 45 46 74 25 98
Fax: + 45 46 74 30 81
e-mail: ada at ruc.dk
Web site: http://www.ruc.dk/vs/personale/ada/

Editor-In-Chief, International Journal of E-Services and Mobile Applications

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