[AISWorld] Final CFP: KM&EL Special Issue on Supporting, Managing, & Sustaining Creativity and Cognition through Technology‏‏

maggie wang maggiemhwang at gmail.com
Wed Dec 7 09:08:49 EST 2011

*Final **Call for Papers*

 *Knowledge Management & E-Learning: An International Journal (KM&EL)*

 *Special Issue on*

 *Supporting, Managing, & Sustaining Creativity and Cognition through

 Guest Editors

 Assoc. Professor Chien-Sing Lee

Professor Jie-Chi Yang

*Graduate Institute of Network Learning Technology, *

*National Central University, Taiwan, R.O.C. *

 Associate Editors:

 Jimmy Secretan, *Ad Summos, Inc., USA*

Jie Qi, *MIT Media Lab, USA*

Cristina Sylla, *engageLab, University of Minho, Portugal *

Natalie Freed, *MIT Media Lab, USA *

Pedro Branco, *engageLab, University of Minho, Portugal*

Email: cslee at cl.ncu.edu.tw

In the 21st century, knowledge no longer exists in silos of knowledge.
Relevant and useful knowledge can be across disciplines; beyond expected
boundaries. Hence, effective organizational learning requires efficient and
effective tools, which enable the user to effectively seek, reconstruct and
transform the information gathered into meaningful and novel knowledge.

The transformation of information into knowledge involves an iterative
process. Learners need to *design, prototype and test out* alternative
solutions by iteratively and collaboratively investigating and designing
and redesigning goals that direct convergent and divergent search
processes, processes/behaviours and representations of knowledge structures
in relation to a systemic whole, to achieve more effective processes and
outcomes (Kolodner, Crismond, Fasse, Gray, Holbrook and Puntembakar, 2003;
Vattam, Goel, Rugaber, Hmelo-Silver, Jordan, Gray and Sinha, 2011).

*Learning-by designing* thus adds the dimensions of generative design
questioning and deep reasoning and synthesis to information discovery. By
giving priority to divergent thinking above convergent thinking, generation
of alternatives is likely to become richer. Ultimately, it is hoped that
learners will have more ideas (be more fluent), have more categories of
ideas (be more flexible), be more novel and more practical and most
importantly, be intrinsically motivated and successful thinkers.

This special issue aims to present an overview of how design thinking
(especially with regards to creativity and cognition), can be supported,
managed and sustained through the use of technology. Proposals sought range
from lessons from the industry to academia. The special issue’s scope
covers how intelligent technologies can scaffold creative processes and how
user experience can be augmented in creative and engaging ways.

 Recommended topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

·        Intelligent and creative interface design

·        Building a community of inquiry, reflection and collaborative

·        Roadmap: transitioning from experimental stages to every day

·        Visions on the future of the book

·        Approaches, creative processes and technologies for increased

·        Techniques towards enhancing user experience: Augmented Reality,
Augmented Books, Digital Manipulatives, Tangible Interfaces.

 *Important Dates**  *

 Submission: 1st January, 2012
Notification of review outcomes: 5th March, 2012
Final submission: 5th April, 2012

Publication schedule: June 2012

 *Submission Instructions** *

 Manuscripts should be sent by email to the Guest Editor, Dr. Chien-Sing
Lee (cslee at cl.ncu.edu.tw).

 Papers must not have been published, accepted for publication, or
presently be under consideration for publication elsewhere. A standard
double-blind review process will be used for selecting papers to be
published in this special issue. Authors should follow the instructions
outlined in the KM&EL Journal Website (see URL


Vattam, S.V., Goel, A.K., Rugaber, S., Hmelo-Silver, C.E., Jordan, R.,
Gray, S., & Sinha, S. (2011). Understanding Complex Natural Systems by
Articulating Structure-Behavior-Function Models. *Educational Technology &
Society*, *14*(1), 66-81.

Kolodner, J.L., Crismond, D., Fasse, B., Gray, J., Holbrook, J., &
Puntembakar, S. (2003). Putting a Student-Centered Learning by
DesignTMCurriculum into Practice: Lessons Learned.
*Journal of the Learning Sciences*, *12*(4), 495-547.
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