[AISWorld] MCIS 2012: CfP - Enterprise engineering

Wolfgang Molnar wolfgang.molnar at gmail.com
Tue Jan 24 08:32:44 EST 2012

Call for Papers
7th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems
Track: Enterprise engineering


September 8-10, 2012, Guimarães, Portugal

Deadline for paper submissions: March 9th, 2012

Track description
Enterprise engineering (http://www.ee-team.eu/enterprise-engineering) is
the general term for an engineering based approach to architect, transform
or develop gradually enterprises. Enterprise engineering is based on
rationales of how an enterprise wants to use its organizational
socio-technical systems, such as business processes and information systems.
This track is looking for contributions that describe appropriate
approaches and methodologies to align business and IT, support the design
and architecture of an enterprise, help in governance and evolution of an
enterprise, contribute in implementation of methods and other instruments
for enterprises. Moreover, contributions providing guidance in assessing
maturity and quality of an enterprise will be appreciated.
Submitted research papers (full or research in progress) and posters should
present practical and theoretical insight of how an adequate coordination
through enterprise engineering may be conducted. Research context may give
an understanding of how enterprises need to negotiate many challenges, such
as changes in the economic climate, mergers, acquisitions, innovation,
novel technologies, et cetera. Within this context, research contributions
may involve the development of new, appropriate theories, models, methods,
and other instruments for the analysis, design, implementation, evolution
and governance of enterprises by combining (relevant aspects of) management
and organization science and information systems science.
Therefore, the Enterprise engineering track may involve the presentation of
a wide range of issues that involve organization science and information
systems science. We encourage both, researchers and practitioners to share
their insight in following topics:
Topics to be included
•    Theories about enterprise engineering
•    Models of enterprise engineering
•    Frameworks, methods and other instruments of enterprise engineering
•    Design and architecture of enterprise engineering
•    Emergent techniques in enterprise engineering
•    Evaluation of enterprise engineering aspects (e.g. Business / IT
•    Outsourcing of business and/or IT processes
•    Implementation of methods and other instruments during enterprise
•    Social and organisational aspects of enterprise engineering
•    Technical aspects of enterprise engineering
•    Evolution of enterprises through engineering
•    Change management in enterprises
•    Governance aspects of enterprise engineering
•    Maturity, measurement and quality of enterprise engineering
•    Open standards and technologies in enterprise engineering
Types of contributions
Full research papers, research in progress and posters
Track chairs
Wolfgang Molnar
Wolfgang.molnar at tudor.lu
Public Research Centre Henri Tudor, Luxembourg
Khaled Gaaloul
Khaled.gaaloul at tudor.lu
Public Research Centre Henri Tudor, Luxembourg
Jose Tribolet
jose.tribolet at inesc.pt
Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisboa, Portugal
Hans Mulder
Hans.Mulder at ua.ac.be
H.Mulder at novi.nl
University of Antwerp, Belgium
NOVI applied university of science, The Netherlands

Associate editors
Stephan Aier
stephan.aier at unisg.ch
University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Erik Proper
Erik.proper at tudor.lu
Public Research Centre Henri Tudor, Luxembourg
Marion Lepmets
Marion.lepmets at tudor.lu
Public Research Centre Henri Tudor, Luxembourg
Sybren De Kinderen
Sybren.dekinderen at tudor.lu
Public Research Centre Henri Tudor, Luxembourg
Pedro Sousa
Pedro.sousa at link.pt
Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisboa, Portugal
Stijn Hoppenbrouwers
stijnh at cs.ru.nl
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Frank Harmsen
Frank.harmsen at nl.ey.com
Maastricht University, The Netherlands
Roel Drost
Ernst & Young, The Netherlands
Bas van Gils
bas at van-gils.org
BiZZdesign, The Netherlands
Henk Jonkers
h.jonkers at bizzdesign.nl
BiZZdesign, The Netherlands
Patrick Stacey
p.stacey at lancaster.ac.uk
Lancaster University, United Kingdom
Allen Higgins
allen.higgins at ucd.ie
University College Dublin, Ireland
François Charoy
Francois.Charoy at loria.fr
Université Henri Poincaré, Nancy, France
Jan Verelst
Jan.verelst at ua.ac.be
Universiteit Antwerpen, Belgium
Philip Huysmans
Philip.huysmans at ua.ac.be
Universiteit Antwerpen, Belgium
Martin Op’t Land
Martin.OptLand at capgemini.com
Antwerp Management School, Belgium
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