[AISWorld] ILAIS 2012 CFP

DAPHNE RUTH RABAN draban at univ.haifa.ac.il
Sun Feb 19 06:12:54 EST 2012

A reminder for the upcoming submission to the ILAIS conference.  We look forward to your submissions!

From: ãôðä øáï
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2012 2:00 PM
To: 'phd-infsoc at googlegroups.com'
Subject: ILAIS 2012 CFP

Dear All,
The 6th annual ILAIS (Israel Association for Information Systems) conference will be held on July 2, 2012 at the University of Haifa, Israel. The Program Committee invites academic and industry researchers to submit extended abstracts and panel proposals. Please see the attached CFP for guidelines.

Please submit extended abstracts and panel proposals to ILAIS2012 at gmail.com<mailto:ILAIS2012 at gmail.com>.

Important Dates

Submission deadline:                March 11, 2012

Notification to authors:              May 13, 2012

Final version due:                      June 3, 2012

Conference date:                       July 2, 2012

Please feel free to distribute to your peers.

Looking forward to seeing you at ILAIS 2012,

Daphne Raban, David Bodoff, and Irit Hadar
Conference Co-Chairs
The University of Haifa

Daphne Raban, Ph.D.
Head, Dept. of Information & Knowledge Management
Graduate School of Management
University of Haifa
draban at univ.haifa.ac.il

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