[AISWorld] Call for Paper

Purnendu Mandal purnendu.mandal at lamar.edu
Tue May 1 16:23:41 EDT 2012

Special issue on: "Personal Beliefs and IT/IS Development" for Int. J. of Information Systems and Change Management (IJISCM) 

Subject Coverage 
We encourage submission of high-quality papers addressing issues involving people in IT/IS development and implementation at organizational, national and international level. Potential topics include, but are not limited to, the following: 

    * Attitude towards technology development, societal issues. 

Impacts of personal beliefs in IT use in organizational context. 

    * Empirical analysis of ERP, SCM or large IT system implementation focusing on people issues. 

    * Policy guidelines in incorporating religious values, democratic values, attitude towards science, attitude towards competition, etc to technology related decision making. 

    * International comparison of religious beliefs towards technologies. 

    * Emerging issues in IT/IS development with particular emphasis to cross-cultural issues. 

Full paper deadline: 15 June 2012 
Notification of acceptance and review results: 20 July 2012 
Revised submission deadline: 20 August 2012 
Notification of acceptance: 10 September 2012 
Camera-ready version deadline: 1 October 2012 

View the Call for Paper on page ( http://www.inderscience.com/callPapers.php ) or on the IJISCM home page ( http://www.inderscience.com/ijiscm ). Follow instructions there for manuscript submission. 

Purnendu Mandal 
Professor,College of Business, Lamar University, Beaumont, Texas(409) 880 8634; Email: purnendu.mandal at lamar.edu 

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