[AISWorld] Final Reminder: CfP e-Government @HICSS-46

Hans J. Scholl jscholl at uw.edu
Sun May 27 18:10:06 EDT 2012

Sharp deadline (June 15) for paper submissions approaching-please get ready for submitting your papers.

Electronic Government Track --> please see http://faculty.washington.edu/jscholl/hicss46/

Researchers interested in ICT in government, or "Electronic Government" researchers, study the use of information and technology in the context of public policy making (electronic governance, open government, transparency, and digital divide/s), government operations (transformation, management, organization, infrastructure, interoperability, insider threats, and security), citizen engagement (e-participation, transparency, collaboration, and digital democracy), e-Government-related education, and government services (including using social media and social networking). The HICSS e-Government track has been a hotbed for groundbreaking studies and new ideas in this particular research domain. Many studies first presented here were developed further and then turned into publications at top journals. Ten minitracks cover the full spectrum of research avenues of electronic government including minitracks dedicated to emerging topics, open government, and social media and social networking, or, most recently, insider threats. The HICSS e-Government Track has assumed an excellent reputation among e-Government scholars. Several times it has been ranked the academically most rigorous research conference on e-Government in the world. The E-Government Track is in the top 2 of HICSS tracks with the lowest acceptance rate and the highest average per-session attendance. Minitracks are dedicated to the following topical areas:

    * Cloud Infrastructures and Interoperability
    * E-Government Education
    * Emerging Topics
    * Policy, e-Governance, Ethics, and Law
    * Infrastructure Security
    * Insider Threats (Modeling, Detection, and Mitigation)
    * Open Government and Participation
    * Services and Information
    * Social Media and Social Networking
    * Transformational Government

Beyond the ten minitracks the electronic government domain will also entertain two full-day symposia / workshops at HICSS-46.

Please see http://faculty.washington.edu/jscholl/hicss46/  for more information.

Short History of the e-Gov Track at HICSS: http://faculty.washington.edu/jscholl/hicss_history.html.

Important Deadlines

June 15: Authors submit full papers by this date, following the Author Instructions.

All papers will be submitted in double column publication format and limited to 10 pages including diagrams and references. HICSS papers undergo a double-blind review (June 15 - August 15).

August 15: Acceptance notices are sent to Authors. At this time, at least one author of an accepted paper should begin visa, fiscal & travel arrangements to attend the conference to present the paper.

September 15: Authors submit Final Version of papers following submission instructions posted on the HICSS web site. At least one author of each paper must register by this date with specific plans to attend the conference.

October 2: Papers without at least one registered author will be pulled from the publication process; authors will be notified.

For more information, please see http://faculty.washington.edu/jscholl/hicss46/



Please remember: June 15 is a sharp deadline.

Best wishes,
Hans Jochen Scholl
E-Government Track

Website: http://faculty.washington.edu/jscholl

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