[AISWorld] Deadline approaching for submitting a paper to CIST 2012

Abhay Nath Mishra amishra at gsu.edu
Fri Jun 1 17:29:39 EDT 2012

Dear colleagues,

Just a reminder that the deadline for submitting a paper to the Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST), to be held this year on Oct 13th and 14th in Phoenix, Arizona, is Friday June 1st, 2012. Please see the call for papers below.



Conference on Information Systems and Technology, 2012


October 13-14, 2012



Submissions website opens: Friday June 1st, 2012

Submission deadline: Friday June 8th, 2012

Notice of acceptance: Monday August 13th, 2012


Consumerization of IT and the rapid proliferation of digital products and services present a great opportunity for IS researchers to contribute in a significant way towards understanding and shaping the emerging digital society. Accordingly the theme of CIST 2012 is “Digital Society.” The conference will feature panels, keynote speakers and research papers that explore economic, social, organizational, operational, technological, and policy issues at the consumer, enterprise, group and societal levels. Research following all traditions and methodologies are welcome.

Specific areas of interest include (but are not limited to):

•         Consumer behavior in mobile and digital environments

•         Data mining and knowledge discovery

•         Digital intermediaries and sponsored search advertising

•         IS in healthcare

•         Intellectual property, copyrights, and DRM

•         IT in emerging economies and non-governmental organizations

•         Social networks and web 2.0

•         Social media and enterprise 2.0

•         Software engineering

•         Personalization technologies

•         IT adoption, use and assimilation in various contexts

•         The role of IT in shaping societies, cultures and nations

•         Outsourcing and application service contracting

•         IT and co-creation of values; value ecosystems

•         Software procurement, open source software, and open standards

•         Knowledge management, collaboration and boundary spanning

•         Online communities, and computer-mediated collaboration

•         The effects of IT on industrial organization and firm boundaries

•         The economics of digital products and information goods

•         Electronic commerce and electronic markets


Papers should follow the guidelines specified below:

•         Maximum of 15 pages (excluding tables and figures), printable on 8.5 x 11-inch paper.

•         12-point font with one-inch margins on four sides

•         Double-spaced

•         Abstract (150 words or less)

•         Indicate on the front cover whether the bulk of the work was done by a student

The paper should not have been accepted for publication at the time of submission.

Submissions will be reviewed by two members of the program committee. Awards will be given for "Best Conference Paper", "Best Student-authored Paper", and "Best Reviewer".

CIST will accept submission through the Easychair System, beginning June 1, 2012: http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cist12<http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cist10>


Hemant Bhargava, University of California at Davis
Abhay Mishra, Georgia State University
Raghu Santanam, Arizona State University
Param Vir Singh, Carnegie Mellon University
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