[AISWorld] ISDSI Call for Papers

Jeet Gupta guptaj at uah.edu
Sun Jun 3 08:55:35 EDT 2012

This is a call for papers for the 6th Conference of the Indian Subcontinent
Decision Sciences Institute will be held in Hyderabad, December 27-29, 2012.
Details of the conference and submission details can be found at the
following URL:




The website for the conference is: www.ibshyderabad.org/conference/ISDSI-IBS


For questions or more informatrion, feel free to contact me at
guptaj at uah.edu or Dr. Ravi Kumar Jain at rk.bandamutha at gmail.com


We look forward to your submissions and seeing you at this conference.





Best regards,

Jatinder (Jeet) N. D. Gupta, PhD 
Eminent Scholar and Professor
College of Business Administration 
The University of Alabama in Huntsville 
301 Sparkman Drive
Huntsville, AL 35899 
Phone: 256-824-6593 (office)
           256-288-0150 (home) 
FAX:    256-824-4339
E-mail: guptaj at uah.edu


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