[AISWorld] Knowledge Economics: CFP HICSS-46 (2013)

Carsten.Brockmann at wi.uni-potsdam.de Carsten.Brockmann at wi.uni-potsdam.de
Mon Jun 11 13:29:07 EDT 2012


Minitrack: Knowledge Economics

Track: Knowledge Management Systems

Submission deadline: June 15, 2012

Conference Site: Grand Wailea Maui
Dates:  January 7 - 10, 2013

Additional details about the Minitrack may be found at:

Join our "Kowledge Economics" LinkedIn group:

Knowledge Management is continuously gaining importance in research and 
practice, since economically growth economies are more reliant on the 
contribution of knowledge intensive businesses. Various methodologies to 
identify, capture, model and simulate knowledge transfers have been 
elaborated within the business scope. These methodologies comprise both 
the technical, as well as the organizational aspect of knowledge, being
transferred in organizations.

This minitrack aims to provide insight on the knowledge economics and 
emphasizes a holistic view on the economic implications of knowledge, 
including the value and economics of repositories and the overall value of 
knowledge. Further on, implications of the knowledge society and knowledge 
based policy are covered within the scope of this minitrack.

Possible contributions regarding the economics of knowledge management and 
transfer may include, but are not limited to the following:
- Value and economics of repositories
- Implications of the knowledge society
- Policy generation and implementation in the knowledge society
- Knowledge based theory
- Knowledge based society
- Economics of knowledge co-creation and Business Process Management (BPM)
- Costs associated with knowledge management and knowledge transfer
- Tangible and intangible (business) value of knowledge management systems
- Methods for measuring the costs and benefits of projects involving 
knowledge management systems
- Measuring, managing and promoting intellectual capital
- Economics of inner and cross-organizational knowledge transfer
- Business models involving knowledge management and knowledge transfer
- The role of human, intellectual and social capital in knowledge 
management and knowledge transfer
- Economics of knowledge transfer across developed and emerging economies
- Value creation through education based knowledge transfer
- Benefits and costs of considering knowledge in the analysis of business 
- Economics of sustainable knowledge management – potentials, barriers and 
critical success factors
- Motivations and financial expectations of cross-border knowledge 
- Contribution of knowledge management systems to firm performance and 
- Economics of talent management
- Financial effects of the Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO) position, 
knowledge managers, and other knowledge management related resources
- Financial rewards systems related to knowledge management and knowledge 
- Frameworks, models and theories related to the economics of knowledge 
management and transfer

Both conceptual and empirical papers with a sound research background are 
welcomed. All submissions must include a separate contribution section, 
explaining how the work contributes to a better understanding of knowledge 
management and economics.

Minitrack Co-Chairs:

Carsten Brockmann (Primary Contact)
Business Information Systems and Electronic Government
Universität Potsdam
August-Bebel-Str. 89; 14482 Potsdam, Germany
Phone: +49 331/ 977-3455, Fax: +49 331/977-3406
E-Mail: Carsten.Brockmann at wi.uni-potsdam.de

Narcyz Roztocki
School of Business
SUNY New Paltz
75 South Manheim Boulevard
New Paltz, NY 12561, USA
Phone: 845-257-2935
Fax: 845-257-2947
E-Mail: roztockn at newpaltz.edu


HICSS conferences are devoted to the most relevant  advances in the 
information, computer, and system  sciences, and encompass developments in 
both theory and  practice. Accepted papers may be theoretical, 
conceptual,  tutorial or descriptive in nature. Those selected for  
presentation will be included in the Conference  Proceedings published by 
the IEEE Computer Society.

How to Submit a Paper:

- HICSS papers must contain original material.  They may  not have been 
previously published, nor currently  submitted elsewhere.  All submissions 
undergo a  double-blind peer review process.
- Abstracts are optional, but strongly recommended. You  may contact the 
Minitrack Chair(s) for guidance or  verification of content.
- Submit a paper to only one Minitrack.  If a paper is  submitted to more 
than one minitrack either paper may be rejected by either minitrack 
without  consultation with author.
- If you are not sure of the appropriate Minitrack, submit  an abstract to 
the Track Chair(s) for determination,  and/or seek opinion(s) of Minitrack 
Chair(s) before  submitting.
- Do not author or co-author more than 5 papers.  This  means that an 
individual may be listed as author/co-author  on no more than 5 submitted 
papers.  Track Chairs must  approve any names added after submission or 

Additional details about the conference may be found on HICSS primary 
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