[AISWorld] Transforming Assessment - eAssessment webinars

Mathew Hillier mathew.hillier at adelaide.edu.au
Fri Jul 20 06:45:24 EDT 2012

Transforming Assessment Webinars
[via AISWorldlist]

Transforming Assessment is about the use of e-assessment within online
learning environments.

1. Next Live Session - Crowd-sourcing exam questions
2. Special Joint Webinar Program with e-Assessment Scotland
3. Subscribe to the iCalandar Feed

*** These sessions are free - please forward to colleagues ***

Professor Geoffrey Crisp (RMIT University, Australia) and 
Dr Mathew Hillier (University of Queensland, Australia) invite you to:

1. Next live session:

Wednesday, 1 August 2012 "Crowd-sourcing exam questions with PeerWise"
Presenter: Paul Denny (Dept of Computer Science, University of Auckland, New

Creating effective multiple-choice questions (MCQs), particularly designing
plausible alternatives that target misconceptions, is time-consuming and
challenging and requires very good content knowledge.
These demands can make the question authoring process a useful activity for
students, and research in some disciplines has shown this to be an effective
learning technique. Using technology to support such an activity in class
not only simplifies the authoring process, but it makes it possible for
students to share, answer and critique one another's questions.
In this seminar, we will demonstrate the freely-available PeerWise tool
which enables students to build an annotated repository of exam-style MCQs.
PeerWise leverages student familiarity with social software and Web 2.0 and
incorporates basic game elements such as a scoring and an achievement system
as motivators. Much of the seminar will be hands-on, giving participants an
opportunity to experiment with the interface and view typical examples of
the real-time feedback that is produced. In addition, research examining
student perceptions, repository quality and the relationship between student
activity and exam performance will be summarised. PeerWise is extremely
simple for instructors to adopt and has been used in more than 300
institutions around the world. It takes just moments to set up a new
repository and manage student access, and this process will be discussed at
the end of the session.
Audience members are encouraged to participate and contribute.

Wednesday, 1 August 2012 at 07:00AM UST/GMT (Duration approx 1 hour).
See your equivalent local time at:

A countdown timer is also available at
A recording of the session will be published after the event.

RSVP to receive login information:
Please RSVP via email to :
'rsvp at transformingassessment.com'
Please use the subject line:
'RSVP webinar 1 aug 2012'
You will receive an automated response with login instructions.

2. Special Joint Webinar Program with e-Assessment Scotland

We are proud to announce that Transforming Assessment and eAssessment
Scotland will be running a 2 week series of joint online webinars forming
the online program portion of eAssessment Scotland Conference.

eAssessment Scotland is the UK's largest conference dedicated to exploring
the best examples of eAssessment in the world today.

The online conference will be from 23 August to 6 September 2012, while the
day conference will occur on site in Dundee on the 31st August 2012. All
sessions for both the onsite and online programs are free. There are no
registration fees to pay!

The online program features 2 keynote presentations and 16
seminars/workshops spread over 2 weeks. You will have the chance to hear
from speakers from across the globe - talking about everything from national
e-Assessment initiatives to assessing students in virtual worlds (with an
opportunity to experience this for yourself).

Sessions will last 30-45 minutes (or around an hour for the TA
presentations), with time set aside for discussion. 

The program can be viewed via the Transforming Assessment events calendar

Or at the eAssessment Scotland Online program page http://bit.ly/eAS_info

3. Subscribe to the iCalandar Feed

You can subscribe to our .ics (iCalander) feed using the URL
This provides live updates to the full Transforming Assessment webinar
schedule right into your calendar application and works in compatible
email/calendar software such as Outlook, Google Calendar, iCal etc (be sure
to use the URL and not just import the .ics file or you will miss out on the
live updates!). Instructions are here

Further information:
These webinars are part of a series of free events being held in 2012.
Invited expert speakers have agreed to deliver on a range of e-assessment
topics throughout the series covering examples from around the world
showcasing e-assessment and the use of technologies in education. Further
information on this and future events, recordings of past events, further
project information and participation/technical help on using the virtual
classroom system can be found on our website at

These free webinars supported by RMIT University and The University of
Queensland. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of the
sponsoring institutions.

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You are receiving this message because you are a member of the AISWORLD
emailing list.


Dr Mathew Hillier
Teaching and Educational Development Institute, 
The University of Queensland, Australia, 4072.
T +61 7 3365 7346. 
F +61 7 3365 1966 (shared). 
Profile: http://www.uq.edu.au/uqresearchers/researcher/hillierms.html
TEDI web: http://www.tedi.uq.edu.au/
CRICOS Provider Number 00025B
Transforming Assessment: http://transformingassessment.com/
We'rElearning: http://werelearning.com/
Second Life: Mathew Hilliard
Skype: mathewhillier
Linkedin: http://au.linkedin.com/in/mathewhillier
Academia.edu: http://uq.academia.edu/MathewHillier

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