[AISWorld] Nominations invited for the ACIS 2012 Doctoral Consortium – closing date extended to September 17

Cathy Urquhart C.Urquhart at mmu.ac.uk
Mon Sep 3 13:41:07 EDT 2012

The ACIS Doctoral Consortium provides a unique opportunity for Doctoral students in Information Systems to present their research to peers and senior faculty in a sharing supportive environment, and participate in plenary sessions with senior academics. There is no charge for the consortium, which is sponsored by the Australian Council of Professors and Heads of Information Systems (ACPHIS) and the Deakin University. Home institutions are urged to give financial assistance to successful candidates in the form of travel and accommodation expenses. Limited low cost accommodation is available, details of which will be supplied on acceptance. All accepted nominees are strongly urged to attend the Australian Conference on Information Systems, and will qualify for substantially reduced registration fee.
Doctoral Consortium Faculty
Cathy Urquhart, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Michael Rosemann, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Faculty Mentors:
Deborah Bunker, University of Sydney, Australia
Frada Burstein, Monash University, Australia
Antonio Diaz, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
Julie Fisher, Monash University, Australia
Ray Hackney, Brunel University, UK
Marta Indulska, University of Queensland
Karlheinz Kautz, Copenhagen Business School Denmark/University of Woolongong Australia
Craig Standing, Edith Cowan University, Australia
John Venable, Curtin University, Australia

Students who are working on a PhD dissertation on information systems in a recognised university are invited to apply. Ideally they should have defended their PhD proposal by the time of the consortium, or alternatively have more than 12 months work before completion.
For full details, and how to apply see acis2012.deakin.edu.au/doctoral-overview

Best wishes
Cathy and Michael

Professor Cathy Urquhart  PhD Tas
Chair of Digital and Sustainable Enterprise
Room 6.22
Marketing, Operations and Digital Business
Manchester Metropolitan University Business School
All Saints Campus
Oxford Road
M15 6BH
Email: c.urquhart at mmu.ac.uk<mailto:c.urquhart at mmu.ac.uk>
Tel: 0161 247 3798  Fax: 0161 247 6350
Office hours: Please email me for an appointment
staff profile: http://www2.business.mmu.ac.uk/staff/staffdetails.php?uref=430

Author of Grounded Theory for Qualitative Research: A Practical Guide, forthcoming from Sage, November 2012

Our new location from May 28th 2012 - http://www.business.mmu.ac.uk/newlocation/

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