[AISWorld] 2nd Call for Papers - 5th Annual International Conference on ICT for Africa (Feb. 20-23, 2013)

Adekunle Okunoye aokunoye at hotmail.com
Wed Oct 3 12:28:02 EDT 2012

2nd Call for Papers
5th Annual International Conference on ICT for Africa
Feb. 20-23, 2013
Theme: Consolidating Africa’s Competitiveness through Bespoke ICTs
The International Conference on ICT for Africa is an annual conference that brings together stakeholders of the educational and industrial sectors in Africa, with the aim of reflecting on how to transfer, diffuse and adopt the Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) within the African context; the innovation and development of ICT solutions for and within this context; impacts of ICT on society and of society on ICT; and other relevant normative, empirical, and theoretical concerns of ICT development, implementation, strategy, management and policy that are distinctive to Africa and associated developing economies. 
The conference’s objective is to highlight the synergy of collaboration between African countries and other developing countries, and between African countries and the developed countries towards ICT advancements and also towards development solutions for Africa. It creates a forum where participants can disseminate their research to a wide audience of scholars and practitioners of ICT in Africa and beyond. 
The 2013 conference, to be held in Harare, Zimbabwe from the 20th to the 23th of February 2013, is in the process of receiving submissions from prospective participants. We invite you to submit your high quality papers to any of the tracks listed below: 

·         ICT, Entrepreneurship and Business

·         Security, Privacy, and Risk Management

·         ICT in Education and E-learning 

·         Cloud Computing In Africa

·         ICT in Healthcare

·         ICT and Indigenous Knowledge Management 

·         Innovation, Open-source and Software Development

·         ICT and Creative Industries: Gaming, Fashion, Music and Movies

·         ICT, Development and Poverty Reduction

·         Accounting Information Systems at the Workplace

·         Ubiquitous / Mobile Computing & Applications

·         Internet Governance and Society

·         ICT and Climate Change

·         Scalable Computer Architecture & Web 2.0

·         Electronic Government and Public Sector Reform

·         Programming Language Technology: Compliance for ICT

·         ICT, Media and Journalism

·         Bio-informatics/Computational Biology

·         ICT, Youth and Gender

·         ICT in Urban and Rural Management/Planning

·         ICT, Agriculture, Food Production and Rural Development

·         ICT for Development, Economic Prosperity and good governance 
Important Dates

·        October 31st 2012 


Full Paper Submission 

·        November 30th 2012


Review Result Returned 

·        December 31st 2012


Final Paper Submission 
How to Submit Papers
Carefully read the submission guidelines at and submit your paper electronically through our online submission system   (http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ict4africa2013) on or before October 31st 2012. ICT4Africa 2013 submissions, publication and editorial committee will maintain very strict rules on submissions formats and deadlines.  Paper which fail to use the submissions template will be rejected without review.  Authors should read submission guidelines (http://www.ictforafrica.org/) before submitting their papers.
A formal notification of paper acceptance will only be issued after authors have addressed reviewer’s comments as recommended by the review process. For papers to appear in the proceedings, at least one author must register and pay the registration fee applicable to his/her category of presentation. Letters of Invitation to ICT4Africa 2013 will only be issued after author(s) registration has been confirmed. An online and hard copy version of the conference proceedings for all tracks and submission categories shall be made available. Authors of some selected papers will be requested to submit extended versions of their work for publication in an edited book and Special issue of the African Journal of Information Systems dedicated to ICT4Africa after the conference.
For consideration for the best paper award in any of the submission categories, full manuscript must be submitted by December 31st 2012. 
We look forward to receiving your submissions in the different categories to this very opportune conference.
Direct all enquiries to:
English submissions         
                                             Prof. Cosmas Nwokeafor -  CNwokeafor at bowiestate.edu
                                                        Prof. Y. Naik - rio.director at nust.ac.zw 
French submissions:
Dr. Mathieu Kourouma  - mkourouma at gmail.com 
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