[AISWorld] Augmented Reality in at ICIS 2012: Full Program -- Invitation to Join

Yesha Sivan yesha.sivan at metaverse-labs.com
Wed Oct 24 06:26:49 EDT 2012

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[image: Augmented Reality Workshopt at ICIS

Dear AIS member,
Please join us for the...

Augmented Reality in Information Systems: Setting a Research Agenda
(ARatICIS2012) – Full Program

December 16, 2012 08:30AM-12:00PM
Orlando FL, USA

We are happy to share with you the full program for our workshop:
Journal web: www.jvwresearch.org<http://jvwresearch.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=de4fa2a435382cb1fa67cb708&id=24f5336553&e=1410976b30>
 Event page:http://jvwresearch.org/index.php/2011-06-12-18-46-09/11-events/49<http://jvwresearch.us2.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=de4fa2a435382cb1fa67cb708&id=8088a09c6d&e=1410976b30>

Confirmed Speakers
Yesha Sivan, Jon Preston, Jeff Chastine, Dov Teeni, Arijit Sengupta, Shu
Schiller, Lester Leavitt, Anna-Kaisa Sjölund

*08:30--09:00 Breakfast & Welcome*

*09:00--09:30  Status of AR Today* (followed by the "SIGHT" Movie)

Prof.* Yesha Sivan*, JVWR Managing Editor, Tel Aviv-Yafo Academic College,
A review of the current state of the field, and its potential impact.

*009:30--10:00 Augmented Reality: a Narrative, Symbiotic Approach in
Combining Virtual and Physical Worlds*

*Jon Preston*, Associate Professor,  Computer Game Design and Development,
Southern Polytechnic State University, GA , USA; and *Jeff Chastine*,
Associate Professor, School of Computing and Software Eng., Southern
Polytechnic State University, GA, USA
Present a new breed of AR computing services and applications to explore
collaborative, location-aware augmented reality. Such a system could be
visually based, but could also be passive and be working within a user's
pocket while they go about their daily activities. We foresee applications
of gamification and encouraging positive behaviors such as attending
meetings, courses for students, and visiting stores from a marketing
perspective based upon this system. Our approach is novel in that it
explicitly asks what is possible via non-visual augmented reality and how
far this passive computing system can be expanded with virtual
interactions. We will demo this fully-functional system at the workshop and
seek partners in expanding this research.

*10:00--11:00 *Submitted Presentations:
*- Enabling Virtual Assistance in the Real World using Augmented Reality
and Sensor-equipped Mobile Devices*

*Arijit Sengupta*, Professor of Information Systems and Supply Chain
Management, Faculty of Information Systems and Operations, Raj Soin College
of Business, Wright State University, OH, USA;  and *Shu Schiller*,
Associate Professor, Faculty of Information Systems and Operations, Raj
Soin College of Business, Wright State University, OH, USA.
The aim of this research is to create an augmented reality architecture and
application, the Virtual Assistant, to link the real world and the virtual
equivalent using mobile technology.  The presentation will cover the model,
its underlying architecture, applicability and extensibility in current AR
research, and provide a working demonstration of the developed application
that implements this concept.

*- Augmented Reality ICT and Governing: Imagining a Day When Elections
become Redundant*

*Lester Leavitt*, Graduate Assistant, School of Public Administration,
Florida Atlantic University.
This presentation outlines an augmented reality socio-technical governing
institution that has been designed singularly for marginalized minority
groups and global solidarity movements such as those witnessed in 2011.
Beyond providing a simple virtual office environment or legislature, the
ICT and database algorithms described in this presentation outline how the
creation of a global, crowd-sourced, multimedia “institutional memory” that
supports progressive “collectivethought” policy-making will serve to
incubate comprehensive, community-sized, virtual collectives from which
entire web-based economies might emerge, complete with brick-and-mortar

*- AR-tools for Emergency Care – Education in Virtual World*

*Anna-Kaisa Sjölund*, Doctoral Student, researcher at Digital Culture,
University of Turku, Finland
This presentation is about creating AR–tools and describing how to use them
in immersive way. Paramedic students and teachers from Turku University of
applied sciences will have a course in Second Life to test AR–tools in
two-way, to and from virtual world.

*11:00--11:30 **Augmented Reality in I.S.: Setting a Research Agenda*

*Dov Teeni*, Professor of Information Systems in the faculty of Management
at Tel-Aviv University, Israel

*11:30--12:00 Review and Discussion*

Please register soon; space is limited.
You can register to this event in three ways (a) as part of your ICIS
registration or (b) just for the workshop (c) fax based registration.

(a) The registration for ICIS 2012 including the AR workshop (you will see
it in the list on ancillary events) is now open at
choose the first option. You must use your AIS member information to log in
and register.

(b) You can attend just the AR workshop -- register here
choose the second option.

(c)  If you need fax based registration go here:
third option (this is NOT recommended).

We look forward to seeing you in Orlando!

*Yesha Sivan*
Professor and Head of the Management Information System Program
Tel Aviv Academic College
Managing Editor, The Journal of Virtual Worlds Research

*Shu Schiller*
Associate Professor
Department of Information Systems & Operations Management
Raj Soin College of Business
Wright State University

*Fiona Fui-Hoon Nah*
Professor of Business & Information Technology
Department of Business & Information Technology
Missouri University of Science and Technology
   [image: Augmented Reality Toy by Frantz
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