[AISWorld] IS Research Repository

Chitu Okoli Chitu.Okoli at concordia.ca
Wed Oct 24 12:55:16 EDT 2012

Dear Rick,

So far, I know of three websites that seem to touch the general kind of thing you're talking about, though not (presently) for IS research in general:

* AcaWiki (http://acawiki.org): Tries to compile summaries of all kinds of academic papers; IS research papers would fit nicely in here.
* WikiPapers (http://wikipapers.referata.com): Collects data about papers specifically focused on research concerning wikis.
* WikiLit (http://wikilit.referata.com): My research team's website to support our literature review of academic research on Wikipedia. (With over 900 researchers of Wikipedia listed, you can see that not all academics snub Wikipedia! http://wikilit.referata.com/wiki/Category:Researchers)

Here are two papers that could serve as helpful reading:

* A workshop description at WikiSym 2011 that discussed the very challenges you seem to be raising, though only about wiki research: http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2038612
* A working paper that my research team posted just yesterday: http://ssrn.com/abstract=2021326. You would probably be most interested in the section titled "WikiLit: A Semantic MediaWiki of Wikipedia Research"; this describes in detail my team's current efforts in this general direction--though focusing only on Wikipedia research.

In addition to the AISWorld list (and I hope others might also contribute to this discussion), there are two other researcher lists that I think would be very interested in discussing these ideas you've raised:

* This kind of request has been discussed on the wiki-research-l, a research list for wiki and Wikipedia researchers. The lively group of 400+ subscribers would gladly discuss this topic. You can subscribe and search archives at https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wiki-research-l.

* I think perhaps a good possibility for setting up an IS research wiki would be as a subarea of the AcaWiki site. At present, it's not so active, but from my past interactions with that community, they would be quite supportive of a large research community such as IS researchers using their platform to build a collection of disciplinary paper reviews. You can subscribe and search archives at http://lists.ibiblio.org/mailman/listinfo/acawiki-general.


Chitu Okoli
Associate Professor in Information Systems
John Molson School of Business, Concordia University, Montréal

Professeur invité dans technologies d'information
HEC Montréal, 2012 à 2013


-------- Message original --------
Sujet: [AISWorld] IS Research Repository
De : Chitu Okoli
Pour : Chitu Okoli
Date : 24 Octobre 2012 12:28:32
> Message: 2
> Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2012 17:58:59 +0000
> From: "Weible, Rick"<weible at marshall.edu>
> To:"aisworld at lists.aisnet.org"  <aisworld at lists.aisnet.org>
> Subject: [AISWorld] IS Research Repository
> Message-ID:
>     <0A5B062A9759324180775ECD6C1BD69F09F380DA at muMBX01.marshall.edu>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> As research and information is exploding, a.k.a. "big data" conducting a thorough literature review is becoming a daunting, time-consuming task. While many in academia have snubbed open sourced information sources such as Wikipedia, I believe it would be extremely useful for AIS, another organization or dare I suggest even an open sourced group to develop a wiki site for sharing literature searches.
> In conducting a literature review I feel I am often re-creating the wheel. The authors of articles by sited in research have conducted literature reviews, so future research is duplicating their efforts. A site dedicated to IS research would be one way to begin dealing with the increased burden of information overload. A new model for research publication and sharing needs to be created.
> Should not we in information technologies be leading the way?
> I would appreciate your thoughts!
> Dr. Rick Weible
> Professor of MIS
> Marshall University
> email:weible at marshall.edu<mailto:weible at marshall.edu>

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