[AISWorld] CFP - Context Senstive Health Informatics Conference

Kuziemsky, Craig Kuziemsky at telfer.uottawa.ca
Mon Jan 21 12:41:15 EST 2013

Context Sensitive Health Informatics http://www.cshi2013.org - A pre-Medinfo 2013 conference
in Copenhagen

Healthcare information technologies are now routinely deployed and used in a wide variety of healthcare
contexts in which they need to be smoothly integrated. Contexts of use of IT in health care differ in terms
of workplace, workflows, organisations, habits of work, type and expertise, expectations, and preferences
of users, physical implementations, patients' characteristics, time and workload, etc. The design,
implementation, and evaluation of safe, effective, efficient and easy to use and to adopt health informatics
therefore require proper consideration of human and organizational factors. Health care organizations,
health policy makers and regulatory bodies globally are starting to acknowledge this essential role of human
and organisational factors and progressively incorporate them into regulations and safety initiatives.

Call for papers
We invite original contributions addressing the conference topic through a number of essential
questions such as:
* How can we take advantage of computerized systems to (semi-) automatically track context related
usability and use issues of health IT?
* How can the role of the citizen and the patients be enhanced in complex health IT contexts? How
does the ageing population impact the development of new health technologies?
* How can sociotechnical / Human Factors methods and concepts support or enhance or comply with
new safety regulations and safety initiatives for health IT?
* How can sociotechnical / HF knowledge and practice improve the efficacy and safety of the innovationto-
market process for health IT?
* How could the sociotechnical and Human Factors research community help prevent major failures
of large health informatics programs?
* How can sociotechnical / HF considerations help ensure all relevant stakeholders are on board for the
design, implementation, usage survey and evaluation of health IT systems?

The conference will be held on August 17-18, 2013 in Herlev Hospital in Copenhagen.
Submission of paper: 1 February 2013 (deadline has been extended to February 8)
Notification of acceptance: 2 April 2013
Submission of final papers: 22 April 2013

For more information about the conference and the call please see the conference web site:

The conference is endorsed by IMIA and organized/supported by the IMIA Working Groups Human
Factors Engineering for Healthcare Informatics, Organizational and Social Issues, Health Informatics
for Patient Safety and by the EFMI WG on Human and Organizational Factors of Medical Informatics.
Craig Kuziemsky, PhD
Associate Professor, Director, MSc in Health Systems Program
Telfer School of Management, University of Ottawa
Telephone: 613-562-5800 ext 4792
e-mail: kuziemsky at telfer.uottawa.ca<mailto:kuziemsky at telfer.uottawa.ca>

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