[AISWorld] Special Issue "Propagation Phenomenon in Complex Networks: Theory and Practice” on New Generation Computing

Dariusz Krol dariusz.krol at pwr.wroc.pl
Wed Apr 17 04:42:18 EDT 2013

[Apologies for cross-postings. Please send to interested colleagues and students]

-- Special Issue CALL FOR PAPERS on New Generation Computing - Deadline for submissions: 30 Sep 2013 --

*Title: “Propagation Phenomenon in Complex Networks: Theory and Practice”

New Generation Computing appears in the ISI Journal Citation Reports with Impact Factor of 0.941.

*Guest editor: Dariusz Krol, Bournemouth University (United Kingdom)

*Scope and aim of the Special Issue
Propagation and particularly error propagation are important features of every complex network. Studying 
this phenomenon enables us to better understand the spread of information in a network which in turn may 
lead to the improvement of its performance and robustness. The propagation characteristic depends heavily 
on the network topology and a clear so-called “butterfly effect” relationship. In response to many types 
of disturbances, propagation techniques play an important role in maintaining existing networks, e.g. 
electric power grids synchronisation, prediction of complex system behaviour, resource discovery and 
monitoring, biological invasions finding and damages determining, virus propagation control and 
restraining, social and large scale infrastructure networks decomposition and immunizing. Recently, 
enormous interest has been devoted to modelling cascading failures on the networks in quest of designing 
'better' networks, not only robust to the random loss of nodes ('errors') like scale-free networks, but 
also less vulnerable to its fragility to the selective loss of the most connected ones ('attacks'). Many 
real-world networks have scale-free property and therefore there is a need to develop methods that would 
enable to protect them from both random errors and deliberate attacks.
The issue is intended to support the development of propagation paradigms stemming from the cross-
fertilization of various research fields. Our aim is to highlight an ongoing research on different 
methodological and technological approaches regarding propagation phenomenon together with their 
applications on various domains.

We seek submissions of varied propagation strategies in the following (but not limited to): 
•cascading failure and the damage assessment
•cellular and organic grids, agent colonies 
•collective behaviour of social colonies
•complex network reliability estimation and improvement
•epidemic spreading and immune system proliferation
•knowledge propagation, coordination and integration
•nature-inspired approaches to propagation phenomenon
•robustness, vulnerability and immunizing
•self-adaptation and evolution
•self-organization and self-healing systems

*Instructions to authors
Manuscripts should be submitted by e-mail to the guest editor. The proposals should not have been 
published or be currently submitted for publication elsewhere. All submitted manuscripts will be peer 
reviewed, and will be evaluated on the basis of originality, quality and relevance to this Special Issue 
and the NGC, and on the basis of clarity and correct use of English. Submissions should follow the NGC 
guidelines. For more detailed information concerning the requirements for the journal style, please refer 
to the webpage at: http://www.ohmsha.co.jp/ngc/

*Important Dates
Abstract submission: 31 Aug 2013
Submission of full papers:30 Sep 2013
First decision notification:30 Nov 2013
Submission revised papers: 31 Dec 2013
Final decision notification:15 Feb 2014
Submission camera-ready papers: 31 March 2014
Estimated publication date: July 2014

________________________________________Dr. Dariusz Krol
Marie Curie Senior Research Fellow
School of Design, Engineering & Computing
Bournemouth University, UK

IEEE Senior Member

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