[AISWorld] Call for Papers: Business and Enterprise Architecture minitrack, Hawaii International Conference on System Science (HICSS),

Frank Armour farmour at att.net
Tue Apr 23 16:25:06 EDT 2013

Call for Papers: Business and Enterprise Architecture minitrack, Hawaii 
International Conference on System Science (HICSS), January 6-9, 2014
Hilton Waikoloa, Big Island, Hawaii, http://www.hicss.hawaii.edu/
Enterprise Architecting (EA) is the process of developing enterprise 
architecture that focuses on a holistic and integrated view of the Business 
including the why, where, and who in how a business uses IT resources and how 
and what they are used for within an organization.
The Business Architecture is part of overall enterprise architecture and 
architecturally describes the business processes and their organization. The 
Business Architecture drives the EA effort as the enterprise architect (and 
his/her team) develops the strategy and enables the decisions for designing, 
developing, and deploying IT systems to support the business operations as well 
as to assess, select, and integrate the technology into the organization's 
Papers will be solicited in several areas, including, but not limited to the 
following: -

o     Business Architecture description and development
o     Architecting Processes, Methodologies and Practices
o     Architectural Frameworks and Theory
o     Tools and Techniques Supporting Architecting
o     Service-Oriented Architectures (including Web Services)
o     Enterprise Information Security Architectures
o    Addressing EA Management, Development, and Communication Challenges
o    Integration of EA with IT Governance
o    Using SOA to Implement an EA
o    Surveys and Case Studies
o    Assessing EA's Contribution to Organizational Success
Important 2013 Deadlines for Authors

June 15                 Submit full manuscripts for review as instructed. The 
review is double-blind; therefore, this  initial submission must be without 
author names.
Aug 15                   Review System emails Acceptance Notices to authors. It 
is very important that at least one author of each accepted paper attend the 
conference. Therefore, all travel guarantees –  including visa or your 
organization’s fiscal funding procedures – should begin immediately.  Make sure 
your server accepts the review system address 
Sept 15                  SUBMIT FINAL PAPER.  Add author names to your paper, 
and submit your Final Paper for Publication to the site provided in your 
Acceptance Notice.  (This URL is not public  knowledge.)  

Oct 1                      Early Registration fee deadline. At least one author 
of each paper should register by this  date in order secure publication in the 
Proceedings.  Fees will increase on Oct 2 and Dec 2.
Oct 15                    Papers without at least one paid-in-full registered 
author may be deleted from the Proceedings and 

                                not scheduled for presentation; authors will be 
so notified by the Conference Office.
Minitrack Chairs
Frank Armour (Primary Contact), Kogod School of Business, American University
farmour at american.edu
Steve Kaisler, Senior Scientist, i_SW Corporation, Inc.
skaisler1 at comcast.net 

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