[AISWorld] 2013 SIM Paper Competition--Reminder: Abstracts due May 24

Mary Sumner msumner at siue.edu
Tue May 14 19:47:16 EDT 2013

SIM 2013 Paper Competition


Each year, the Society for Information Management recognizes innovative
business initiatives that use IT to drive measurable results.


If you have researched an important and successful IT-related business
initiative, the SIM 2013 Paper Competition Committee invites you to submit
an abstract describing this initiative. The work described must be
implemented and it must have had a significant impact on the organization
involved. Winning papers will be a collaboration between academics and
practitioners. Since SIM's focus is toward executive management, the work
should describe an initiative of interest to senior IS executives.




This is an excellent way to gain widespread recognition and visibility for
exemplary IT leadership and to highlight the impacts of IT in firms applying
IT strategically. Recognition will be given to up to two papers at SIMposium
2013 in Boston and all winning papers will be featured on SIMnet. In
addition, the authors of the first and second place papers will be asked to
present their papers at SIMposium. All winning papers will also be
considered for publication in MISQ Executive, although some reformulation
may be required to meet academic journal guidelines.

Deadline: Friday, May 24, 2013
All abstracts should be submitted electronically to SIM VP for Academic
Affairs, Mary Sumner ( <mailto:msumner at siue.edu> msumner at siue.edu) and to
Paper Competition Coordinator, Veronica Sullivan (
<mailto:vsullivan at simnet.org> vsullivan at simnet.org).  Abstracts will be
reviewed by the Paper Competition Committee and a subset of the submissions
will be selected as finalists. Each author will be electronically notified
of the outcome of their abstract submission by early June. All finalists
will be asked to submit a full version of the paper.

Deadline:  Friday, August 2, 2013


All finalists selected from the initial review will be invited to submit a
full version of the paper by the above deadline. Your paper could describe
the system, approach, or method used. The work described should be presented
in a case study format and clearly describe the problem or opportunity, the
environment where the situation existed, what was done, why it was
significant, the measurable results and what others can learn from the
presented material. Topic tutorials or new technology descriptions alone are
NOT being sought for this competition.  Please note: SIM reserves the right
to distribute your paper upon submission.


Innovation: Are any new strategies and/or approaches described? Do they add
to leading practices?

Impact: Does the paper address the real problem? Is the problem solved or
diminished? Is it a managerial (not technical) issue? Is a significant part
of the organization impacted? What performance measures reflect success? Do
principles exist that could enhance that body of information management


Implementation: Is the innovation operational? What is the breadth of the
implementation? Does the organization plan to extend the innovation? 

Re-applicability: Is the approach applicable to others? Can knowledge be
transferred to others?        

Appeal and Readability: Is there broad interest in the problem across
industries and cultures? Will the paper appeal to SIM membership? Is the
paper brief, clear, and to the point? Is the paper written with empathy for
the reader?

The SIM 2013 Paper Award winners will be announced in late August.
If you have any questions regarding the SIM Paper Awards Competition, please
contact SIM VP for Academic Affairs, Mary Sumner ( <mailto:msumner at siue.edu>
msumner at siue.edu) or Paper Competition Coordinator, Veronica Sullivan (
<mailto:vsullivan at simnet.org> vsullivan at simnet.org

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