[AISWorld] Pre-ICIS Workshop on Accounting Information Systems

Cheryl Dunn justcheryl.dunn at gmail.com
Wed May 22 16:12:18 EDT 2013

Did you miss the ICIS Submission Deadline?  You still have plenty of time
to prepare your papers for submission to the Pre-ICIS Workshop on
Accounting Information Systems!  Deadline is August 25, 2013; see full call
for papers below.  Also check out the Sig-ASYS website at sigasys.aisnet.org

Cheryl Dunn
VP Conferences and Meetings

*Association for Information Systems*

*Special Interest Group on *

*Accounting Information Systems (SIG ASYS)*

*http://sigasys.aisnet.org* <http://sigasys.aisnet.org/>**

* *

5th Annual Pre-ICIS Workshop on

Accounting Information Systems

Saturday, December 14, 2013

 Bocconi University,

Milan, Italy


SIG ASYS cordially invites both academics and practitioners from all over
the world to present their original research and/or to organize a panel
discussion in the field of Accounting Information Systems (AIS). The
workshop will focus on a wide range of topics at the intersection of
accounting and information systems. The SIG ASYS Workshop will be held
in Milan,
Italy just before the start of ICIS 2013.

Suggested topics include (but are not limited to): systems integration, IT
governance, risk assessment and management, value of information systems,
information assurance, global Accounting Information Systems, continuous
auditing, auditing end user systems, internal audit, COSO, CObIT, AS5,
forensic auditing, data mining & business intelligence, querying, ebXML,
XBRL, Accounting Information Systems use, data ambiguity, data quality,
Accounting Information Systems design, Accounting Information Systems
models, the Resource-Event-Agent (REA) model, Accounting Information
Systems data models, and enterprise systems.

All submissions must represent original work that has not already been
published in a journal or conference proceedings (in complete form –
abstract publication is permissible). At least one author for every
accepted paper must register for the workshop and be prepared to present
the paper in person.

Submissions may be of three types:  Completed research papers,
research-in-progress papers, and panel proposals.  All submissions must be
in English and will be blind reviewed by at least two peers. Completed
research papers and research-in-progress should be carefully blinded:
Completed research papers

Papers should conform to the International Journal of Accounting
Information Systems (*IJAIS*) format, which is consistent with American
Accounting Association and other Elsevier accounting journals.  For more
details, please see the *IJAIS* guide for authors at the following URL:
Research-in-progress papers

Submission of promising research in its formative stages does not require
complete analysis of results. Submissions should be in the format of an
extended abstract and include the following sections: research objectives
and questions, theoretical foundations of the study, research methodology
being used, current status of the project, and a description of what the
authors propose to present at the conference.  Research in progress papers
should be limited to approximately 4000 words.
Panel proposals

Panel proposals should include description of the topic and the list of
potential panellists. Panel proposals should be at least a one-page and
include a general description of the topic, names and affiliations of all
panel participants (including their name, affiliation, email, and a
one-paragraph bio), a statement to the effect that all participants have
made a commitment to serve on the panel (if it is accepted), a brief
description of each participant's background and expertise related to the
panel topic, and a description of each participant's views on the topic.

The workshop will be held as an all-day meeting on Saturday, December 14,
2013, in Milan, Italy, prior to the start of ICIS 2013. Participants should
plan on arriving the day before for an early start to the meeting. The
customary networking dinner will take place after the workshop, on Saturday
night (December 14th).

There will be a single track to maximise interaction and participation.
Workshop participants, including presenters and panellists, must pay the
registration fee.


One best paper award will be announced at the workshop, and this paper,
after meeting the required revisions, will be published in the *IJAIS* at
the author’s prerogative.  Authors of promising workshop papers will be
invited to submit their papers for fast tracking in IJAIS.


Submission Deadline:    August 25, 2013

Notification to Authors:   October 1, 2013

Final Papers:                   November 1, 1013

Workshop:                        December 14, 2013

Networking Dinner:          December 14, 2013


Chair:  Theophanis C. Stratopoulos (University of Waterloo)

Paper enquires, submissions, and panel proposals should be sent to:

Theo Stratopoulos: tstratop at uwaterloo.ca**

·         Please include "SIG ASYS Pre-ICIS Workshop 2013" in the subject
of your email.

·         Please indicate whether the submission is completed research,
research in progress, or a panel proposal.
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