[AISWorld] Ph. D. student position

Peter Trkman peter.trkman at ef.uni-lj.si
Sat Jun 8 13:52:44 EDT 2013

A Ph. D. position (fully funded: salary, insurance, paid tuition research
fund) for 3.5 years, starting in Autumn 2013, is available at University of
Ljubljana, Faculty of Economics. The selected candidate will research the
business process management (mainly its roots, theoretical foundations and
success factors) under the mentorship of Peter Trkman

Official call is published at:
http://www.uni-lj.si/en/news.aspx?id=8523,deadline for application
June, 24. Further information is at:
http://uni-lj.academia.edu/PeterTrkman/Young-researcher. Candidates are
strongly encouraged to contact the mentor by email (
peter.trkman at ef.uni-lj.si) for further information. Formal interviews (via
Skype) will be held with applicants in early July.

Feel free to forward to your masters students.

About FELU: FELU (EQUIS & AACSB accredited business school) is the national
leader and an internationally recognised academic and research institution
in the fields of business and economics. It has 2 undergraduate, 15
graduate programs and a Ph. D. program (fully in English) and over 6000

About Ljubljana: Ljubljana is a charming and affordable capital of
Slovenia, located just east of Austria, south of Italy.
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