[AISWorld] Two PhD vacancies on Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology

Aalst, W.M.P. van der W.M.P.v.d.Aalst at tue.nl
Tue Jun 11 05:59:10 EDT 2013

The Architecture of Information Systems (AIS) of the Department
of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Technische Universiteit
Eindhoven (TU/e)  is looking for:

***** Two PhD candidates working on Process Mining *****

Operational processes leave trails in the information systems supporting
them. Such event data are the starting point for process mining – an emerging
scientific discipline relating modeled and observed behavior.
The practical relevance of process mining is increasing as
more and more event data become available (cf. the recent
attention for "Big Data"). Process mining techniques aim to
discover, monitor and improve real processes by extracting
knowledge from event logs. Despite the fact that the process mining
discipline emerged only a few years ago, there is a huge interest
from industry. Moreover, there are many exciting research challenges,
making this is very interesting and worthwhile PhD topic.

The AIS group is one of the leading groups in the exciting new
field of process mining (www.processmining.org). Process mining
techniques focus on process discovery (extracting process models
from event logs), conformance checking (comparing normative
models with the reality recorded in event logs), and extension
(extending models based on event logs). The work resulted in
the development of the ProM framework that is widely used
in industry and serves as a platform for new process mining
techniques used by research groups all over the globe. Moreover,
many of the techniques developed in the context of ProM have
been embedded in commercial tools. See also www.processmining.org
and the Process Mining book http://springer.com/978-3-642-19344-6
by prof. Wil van der Aalst.

*** Process Mining in SAP ***
Currently, there is a vacancy for a PhD working on a new and
challenging process mining project in collaboration with SAP AG, the
world leader in enterprise software and software-related services.

*** Process Mining in Security ***
There is another vacancy in the context of the Privacy Compliance
and Enforcement (PriCE) project part of NWO’s Cyber Security program.
The PhD will focus on process mining techniques for security.


We are looking for candidates who meets the following requirements:
- a solid background in Computer Science and interested in
process mining;
- knowledge of data mining and machine learning and/or process modeling
and formal methods (demonstrated by a relevant Master);
- candidates from non-Dutch or non-English speaking countries should be
prepared to prove their English language skills;
- good communicative skills in English, both in speaking and in writing;
- moreover, candidates are expected to realize research ideas in terms of
prototype software, so software development skills are needed.

Note that we are looking for candidates that really want to make
a difference and like to work on things that have a high practical
relevance while having the ability to work in one of the strongest
research groups in the world.

Interested candidates are requested to send an application by e-mail
to Ine van der Ligt (e-mail: wsinfsys at tue.nl) with the subject field
"Process Mining Vacancy AIS" or “PhD Vacancy in PriCE”.

The application should consist of the following parts:
- motivational letter;
- a curriculum vitae;
- copies of diplomas.

Applications should be received by June 25th 2013. In the application,
candidates should relate their expertise to process mining research
(cf. www.processmining.org) and describe their language and software
Development skills.

See http://www.win.tue.nl/is/doku.php?id=jobs:start&purge=true
For more information about these two positions.

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