[AISWorld] CFP Health Informatics in Africa HELINA 2013

Mikko Korpela mikko.korpela at uef.fi
Tue Jul 2 01:53:15 EDT 2013

HELINA 2013 Conference
Eldoret, Kenya, 7-8 October 2013
Evidence Based Informatics for e-Health in Africa


The 8th Health Informatics in Africa Conference - HELINA 2013 will take place in Eldoret, Kenya, in 7-8 October 2013, hosted by the Kenyan Health Informatics Association (KeHIA).  HELINA is the Africa Region of the International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA).

HELINA 2013 solicits submission on all aspects of health informatics and e-health Africa.  The conference theme "Evidence Based Informatics for e-Health in Africa" encourages submissions that are based on empirical evidence of the use of information management and information and communication technologies for providing better health care for people in Africa.  Theoretical, methodological and practical papers are equally welcome.  Possible sub-themes include but are not restricted to the following:

* National e-health strategies, policies and architectures
* Local, regional and national level of healthcare management
* Management within a health facility (hospital, health centre)
* Patient care in home, primary healthcare and hospital settings
* Health programmes and specialised care (maternal and child health, mental health, HIV/AIDS, etc.)
* Empowering communities, community health information systems, community participation
* Electronic and paper-based health records, information architectures, terminologies, data set standards
* Information systems analysis, development, implementation and assessment
* Software systems development, software architectures, interoperability and standards
* Health informatics education
* Research methods, research capacity development

Submissions are solicited in two categories:  1) full papers of original scientific research;  2) abstracts of work in progress, practical presentations and poster.  Papers and abstracts can be prepared either in English or French and must not have been proposed to other symposia or journals.  Full paper submissions should contain an abstract of up to 300 words and the body of about 3500 words; abstract submissions should contain 300-500 words.

An online submission system and a submission template available on the conference web site http://www.helina-online.org must be used.  The template contains more detailed instructions following the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals http://www.icmje.org/manuscript_1prepare.html. In case of difficulties while using the submission platform, please contact the conference secretariat directly at helina2013 at helina-online.org<mailto:helina2013 at helina-online.org>.

Papers and abstracts will undergo a double-blind peer reviewing process. Accepted full papers will be published in electronic conference proceedings with an ISBN.  At least one author must register to the conference.


Deadline for submissions:                            31 July 2013
Notification of review results:                    26 August 2013
Final papers and abstracts due:                 16 September 2013
Conference dates:                                          7-8 October 2013

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Mikko Korpela, Research Director, Adjunct Professor
Chair, HELINA 2013 Scientific Programme Committee

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