[AISWorld] Deadline Extension: Special Issue on Innovation through Open Data

Anneke Zuiderwijk-van Eijk - TBM A.M.G.Zuiderwijk-vanEijk at tudelft.nl
Mon Jul 29 09:20:21 EDT 2013

Please consider submitting a paper to the special issue on Innovation through Open Data of the Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research (JTAER).

The submission deadline has been extended to August 12, 2013.

Apologies for cross-postings.


Call for Papers: Innovation through Open Data

Special issue of the Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research

Guest Editors: Marijn Janssen, J. Ramon Gil-Garcia, Natalie Helbig, Anneke Zuiderwijk

The Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research is planning a special issue on Innovation through Open Data.

The opening of data has been hailed for its innovative capacity and transformative power. Over the last years, many politicians, companies, scientists, and citizen communities have paid considerable attention to the demand of opening data of both public and private organizations. An important event in this context was the release of the EU Public Sector Information (PSI) directive in 2003, in which a common legislative framework was presented, which regulates making data of public sector bodies available for re-use[1]. In 2009, the Obama Administration stated that its primary goal was the establishment of an unprecedented level of openness of the Government[2] and published an Open Government Directive some months afterwards[3]. Building on former policies, the European Commission has recently presented an Open Data Strategy for Europe, in which more evident rules on making the best use of government-held information are presented[4]. In 2012, the Obama Administration published the Digital Government Strategy, which aims to 1) enable the American people to access high-quality digital government information and services anywhere, anytime, on any device; 2) seize the opportunity to procure and manage devices, applications, and data in smart, secure and affordable ways; and 3) unlock the power of government data to spur innovation and improve the quality of services for the American people[5].

In addition to these policy documents, various studies have shown that opening data by public and private organizations has considerable potential to provide citizens, researchers, companies and other stakeholders with many advantages, such as a growing economy by stimulating innovation, developing new businesses and obtaining new insights in the public and private sector by creating new ways of understanding problems and interpreting data. Open data enable new ventures to develop new business models and innovative services. Often the added value is generated from combining multiple sources.

Open data have the potential to enable different types of innovation, such as innovation through the provision, processing and use of open data, innovation through open data technologies, and innovation through impact and public value creation from open data initiatives (transparency, accountability and collaborative governance approaches). Open data can contribute to open government. However, although open data research is performed increasingly, research about the way innovation can take place through open data is still lacking. For this reason, innovation through open data is the main focus of this Special Issue.

Subject Coverage

We specifically encourage papers related to innovation with open data. Particular topics to be addressed might include, but are not limited to the following:

1. Open data provision and use

  *   Barriers, costs and benefits of open data provision and use;
  *   National and international challenges and opportunities for open data;
  *   Requirements, principles and strategies for publishing and using open data;
  *   Practice of open data; innovative ways of publishing and using open data;
  *   Privacy and provenance issues; reliability and trustworthiness of open data;
  *   Comparative studies; comparisons of open data initiatives;
  *   Case studies for domain/sector-specific open data strategies (smart cities, environmental and geospatial research, social media);
  *   Open data usability, user interaction and case studies with lessons learned;
  *   Open innovation for public services;
  *   Legal, licensing and political issues: creative commons vs. copyright, freedom of information, information sharing, data visualization;
  *   Open data policies, strategies; policy guidelines and frameworks;
  *   Benchmarks and metrics in open data usage.

2. Open data technologies

  *   Information systems and services for open data gathering and provision;
  *   Technical frameworks and platforms of open data/access;
  *   Mashing platforms;
  *   Open data formats;
  *   Application Programming Interfaces (APIs);
  *   Metadata;
  *   Data linking;
  *   Semantic technologies;
  *   Open data infrastructures, open data platforms;
  *   Open access.

3. Impact of open data initiatives

  *   Public value and benefit creation and realization, such as transparency, public participation and accountability);
  *   Open government, collaborative governance approaches involving the use of open data; open participation;
  *   Open data and citizen participation in information gathering / crowdsourcing; open data policy-making and co-creation;
  *   Business models, marketplaces and crowdsourcing platforms for open data;
  *   Linking data, innovative services and applications;
  *   Evaluation of open data initiatives;
  *   Government transformation, process reengineering.

Notes for Intending Authors

We are seeking original manuscripts on conceptual and methodological issues related to research on innovation through open data, as well as papers which report on the results of empirical research in the field. Papers can focus on particular open data initiatives or a particular type or category of open data, as well as more general outcomes. Both qualitative and quantitative research can be submitted.

Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Author guidelines can be found at http://www.jtaer.com/author_guidelines.doc. All submissions will be refereed by at least three reviewers. Submissions should be directed by email to jtaer.open.data at utalca.cl<mailto:jtaer.open.data at utalca.cl>.

For more information, please visit the following web site: http://www.jtaer.com.

Important dates

*         Full paper submission: 1 August 2013, extended to 12 August

*         Notification of acceptance: 1 October 2013

*         Revised submission: 1 November 2013

*         Final acceptance notification: 15 November 2013

*         Camera ready version of paper: 15 December 2013

*         Publication: April 2014

Guest Editors

Prof. Dr. Marijn Janssen
Professor in ICT & Governance
Delft University of Technology
Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management
The Netherlands

Assoc. Prof. Dr. J. Ramon Gil-Garcia
Associate Professor in Public Administration
Centro de Investigacion y Docencia Economicas (CIDE)

Dr. Natalie Helbig
Senior Program Associate
Center for Technology in Government / SUNY Albany

Anneke Zuiderwijk
Visiting Researcher at Research and Documentation Centre
Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice
The Netherlands




[1] http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2003:345:0090:0096:EN:PDF

[2] http://www.whitehouse.gov/the_press_office/TransparencyandOpenGovernment

[3] http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/omb/assets/memoranda_2010/m10-06.pdf

[4] http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/omb/assets/memoranda_2010/m10-06.pdf

[5] http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/omb/egov/digital-government/digital-government.html
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