[AISWorld] CFP: Deadline Approaching: MR.BDI2013 - International Symposium on MapReduce and Big Data Infrastructure, 03-05 Dec. 2013, Sydney, Australia

Sean Zhang xuyun.zhangcs at gmail.com
Fri Aug 23 01:36:12 EDT 2013

CFP: MR.BDI2013 - The 2013 International Symposium on MapReduce and Big
Data Infrastructure, 03-05 December 2013, Sydney, Australia.
Website: http://www.swinflow.org/confs/mrbdi2013/

Key dates:
Deadline for Paper Submission:   August 25, 2013
Notification of Acceptance:      September 22, 2013
Camera Ready Copies:             October 15, 2013
Registration Due:                October 15, 2013

Submission website:

Proceedings Publication:
Proceedings will be published by IEEE CS Press (EI index).

Special issues:

Distinguished papers will be recommended to special issues in Concurrency
and Computation: Practice and Experience; Journal of Network and Computer
Applications, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Journal of Systems and
Software, Journal of Computer and System Sciences, and IEEE Transactions on
Emerging Topics in Computing.

Topics (not limited to):

· Challenges and Opportunities in MapReduce based Big Data Tools and

· Recent Development in MapReduce and Big Data Infrastructure

· Developping, Debugging and Testing Issues of MapReduce based Big Data

· Performace Tuning and Optimization for MapReduce and Big Data

· Benchmarking, Evaluation, Simulation for MapReduce based Big Data Tools

· Iterative / Recursive MapReduce Systems

· Computational Theory for MapReduce based Systems

· Extension of the MapReduce Programming Paradigm

· Distributed File Systems for MapReduce and Emerging Big Data Tools

· Algorithm Analysis and Design with MapReduce Paradigm

· Resource Scheduling and SLA of MapReduce for Multiple Users

· Heterogeneity and Fault-tolerance in MapReduce based Systems and Big Data

· Privacy, Security, Trust and Risk in MapReduce and Big Data Infrastructure

· Integration of MapReduce and Emerging Big Data Tools with Cloud / Grid

· MapReduce in Hybrid / Fabricated / Federated Cloud Systems

· Social Networks Analyses with MapReduce

· Data Mining, Analytics, and Visualization using MapReduce

· Big Stream / Incremental Data Processing using MapReduce

· Big Scientific, Genomic and Healthcare Data Processing with MapReduce

· Industrial Experience and Use Cases of MapReduce based Applications

· Recent Development Open Source Big Data Infrastructure

Submission Guidelines

Submit your paper(s) in PDF file at the MR.BDI2013 submission site:
https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=mrbdi2013. Papers should be
limited up to 8 pages in IEEE CS format. The template files for LATEX or
WORD can be downloaded from http://www.swinflow.org/confs/mrbdi2013/. All
papers will be peer reviewed by two or three PC members. Submitting a paper
to the symposium means that if the paper is accepted, at least one author
should register to BDSE2013 and attend the conference to present the paper.

General Chairs
Albert Y. Zomaya, Sydney University, Australia
Geoffrey Charles Fox, Indiana University, USA
Jinjun Chen, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia

Program Chairs
Xuyun Zhang, University of Technology Sydney, Australia (xyzhanggz at gmail.com
Suraj Pandey, IBM Australia Research Lab, Australia (suraj.pandey at au.ibm.com
Surya Nepal, CSIRO, Australia (surya.nepal at csiro.au)
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