[AISWorld] See you in Milan!

Riana Steyn Riana.Steyn at up.ac.za
Fri Aug 23 06:14:27 EDT 2013

We want to know how you are teaching information systems /
Please come and share!
Attend the Special Interest Group for Education (SIGED: IAIM)
Conference to focus on IS in Educational Research, and then stay for
ICIS in Milan!
AIS SIGED: IAIM  ( http://www.iaim.org/ )will hold its annual
International Conference on Informatics Education and Research on 
December 13 - 15, 2013 – in Milan, Italy
The AIS Special Interest Group for Education:  International Academy
for Information Management (SIGED: IAIM) is dedicated to promoting
excellence in Information Systems education, practice, and research. The
objective of SIGED is to provide a forum in which interdisciplinary
researchers and educators in information systems can exchange ideas,
techniques, and applications. SIGED sponsors an international conference
( http://iaim.aisnet.org/conferences.html ) in December at which
competitively selected peer-reviewed papers, tutorials and panel
discussions are presented. A Best Paper Award is selected and announced
in the conference. 
All papers accepted after a double-blind peer review process will be
published in the conference proceedings CD-ROM. Other papers, extended
abstracts, panel discussions and tutorials will also be published in the
on-line proceedings. Authors of accepted papers will have the
opportunity to make revisions prior to submitting a final version. Best
papers will be fast-tracked for possible publication in the Journal of
Information Systems Education (JISE).
You are invited to submit theoretical, empirical, or descriptive papers
(case studies), tutorials, and panel proposals related to the education
theme of SIGED's conference. Suggested topics include, but are not
limited to: 
* Pedagogical Issues                                * Educational
* Curriculum Issues                                                    
           * Ethical, Social, Enrollment & Administrative Issues, etc. 
Important dates :

Paper submissions date
1 September 2013

Author notification date
27 September 2013

Author revisions due date
11 October 2013

Author registration due date
20 October 2013

Submissions may be in the form of one or more of the following:
completed research paper, research in progress, descriptive case study,
extended abstract, or proposal for panel discussion or tutorial. All
papers are to be submitted via the Submission System (
http://im.fee.uva.nl/icier/openconf.php ) according to the required
Submission Style and Guidelines. (
Research papers must be original, unpublished elsewhere, in the style
of CAIS/JAIS, and should be no longer than 6000 words and must include
an abstract (120 word max) along with the body of the full paper.
Research in progress submissions must be at least 2500 words in length,
be substantially near completion, and include a one-page abstract. 
Descriptive case studies may report specific pedagogical or curricular
strategies being employed or under development, and should be no longer
than 6000 words.
Extended abstracts must be at least 1000 words in length and identify
the primary research question, a preliminary literature review and
overview of the planned research methodology. 
Panel and tutorial proposals must include the names and affiliations of
panelists who have agreed to participate, a 1-2 page summary of the
topic and a structure of how the session will be presented. 
Authors need to submit their manuscripts electronically via an
electronic peer review system in Rich Text Format (RTF), or Microsoft
Word (.doc) file format. Please refer to the AIS SIGED:IAIM web site:
http://ais-siged.org for details. All submissions will be double-blind
Papers judged by the review process to be candidates for 'Best Paper'
consideration will be forwarded for an additional Best Paper Candidate
review process. The top ranked papers will b
e recognized during the
conference 'best paper' award presentation.  Please note, the papers
which exceed the word limit will not be considered for the Best Paper
Notification of accepted papers, abstracts and panels will be emailed
to the contact author. For inclusion in the Journal or Proceedings,
publication ready papers (with changes suggested by the reviewers) must
be submitted online by the Publication Ready Revision Deadline and must
adhered to required formatting style and guidelines. At least one author
and all members of the panels and tutorials must register for the
conference by the Author Registration Deadline. Otherwise, papers and/or
panel discussion/tutorials will not appear in the proceedings CD. Papers
from previous years may be viewed on-line from the IAIM web site
(http://ais-siged.org/).Conference Committee:
Riana Steyn, University of Pretoria, Conference Chair (President
Elect), riana.steyn at up.ac.za (
Sumarie Roodt, University of Cape Town, President,
sumarie.roodt at uct.co.za
Andrew Urbaczewski, University of Michigan - Dearborn, Past President,
aurbacze at umd.umich.edu
Jan Seruga, Australian Catholic University, Research Chair,
Jan.Seruga at acu.edu.au
Craig Tyran, Western Washington University, Program Chair,
Craig.Tyran at wwu.edu
Ravi Seethamraju, University of Sydney, Past President,
Ravi.Seethamraju at sydney.edu.au
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