[AISWorld] Fwd: CFP: 6th Annual SIG GlobDev Pre-ICIS Workshop

Kweku-Muata A Osei-Bryson kmosei at vcu.edu
Fri Aug 23 14:22:18 EDT 2013

 *Association for Information Systems*

*Special Interest Group for ICT in Global Development (SIG GlobDev)*


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*6th Annual SIG GlobDev Pre-ICIS Workshop*


*Milano, Italy*

*Saturday, December 14, 2013*

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*Theme:  *

*Reclaiming the Meaning of Development: *

*ICT and the Path to Community*

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Sajda Qureshi, University of Nebraska Omaha, USA****

Ojelanki Ngwenyama, Ryerson University, USA****

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Kweku-Muata Osei-Bryson, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA  ****

Edward Stohr, Stevens Institute of Technology, USA****

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Edward Stohr, Stevens Institute of Technology, USA****

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Annika Andersson, Swedish Business School. Örebro University, Sweden****

Francis Kofi Andoh-Baidoo, The University of Texas-Pan American, USA****

Arlene Bailey, The University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica****

Corlane Barclay, University of Technology, Jamaica****

Paul Golding, University of Technology, Jamaica****

Mathias Hatakka, Swedish Business School. Örebro University, Sweden****

Mehruz Kamal, The College at Brockport, State University of New York, USA***

Jyoti Choudrie, Hertfordshire University, UK****

Josephine Nabukenya, College of Information Science, Makerere University,

Ricardo Gomez, University of Washington, Seattle, USA****

Marlene Holmner, University of Pretoria, South Africa****

Shana Ponelis, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA****

Sergey Samoilenko, Virginia Union University, USA****

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The 6th Annual Pre-ICIS SIG GlobDev Workshop is a forum for discussion of
practical experience and research related to the diffusion and use of
information and communication technologies (ICT) in developing regions of
the world. The papers in this workshop will also further knowledge of what
we know about how ICT enables the global economy by enabling local needs to
be met. Development is the improvement in the lives of people and this is
often made possible by ICTs. The questions we want to discuss are: What do
we mean by Development? When do we know when there is Development? How do
we know that ICTs have brought this about?****

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In a world that is increasingly characterized by climate disturbance,
economic crises, diminishing natural resources, exploitation & manipulation
of natural resources with grave costs to the environment, demands for
participation in governance, etc., there is the need for a model of
development that is feasible, just and sustainable. Given the relative
over-consumption of resources that is associated with being a ‘first world’
country, it is obviously not feasible nor sustainable for the majority of
countries & peoples to grow economically into this category. The
development vs. environment model is increasingly leading the planet to the
brink of catastrophe.****

In a planet of finite resources, does development have to be a zero-sum
game with winners and losers? Can ICTs support the development, promotion
and realization of a model of ‘development’ that is holistic, just &
sustainable, and that will lead to an appropriate quality of life for each
individual on the planet? Within this context, should academic ICT research
be more pro-active?****

We invite papers, panel session proposals, and field studies that can
inform theory and provide guidelines to field workers in developing
economies. Both research and practice papers are encouraged. Graduate
student papers will be given special consideration. Areas of interest for
the 6th Annual Pre-ICIS GlobDev Workshop include but are not limited to: ***

**1.     **The role of government policy in fostering ICT human capital,
cooperation and capacity building****

**2.     **ICT Impact Analysis: Sophisticated analyses of the empowering
potential & dangers posed by ICTs.****

**3.     **Social, political, and community development impacts of ICTs.****

**4.     **New frameworks and models for fostering ICT human capital and
capacity building ****

**5.     **Critical and theoretical perspectives on the digital divide and
social inclusion ****

**6.     **Challenges of ICT human capital and capacity building in remote
regions ****

**7.     **Educational systems; content provision and delivery; developing
ICT skills****

**8.     **Mobile technologies as infrastructure for ICT human capital and
capacity building****

**9.     **Frugal Innovation, Frugal Information Systems and innovative
ways in which technologies are applied in developing regions.****

**10.                        **ICT support for Small Island States and
vulnerabilities caused by climate change ****

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Any combination of the above or aspects of human capital and capacity
building for development will be considered.  ****

These will be published in the AIS eLibrary.****

Authors of selected workshop papers will be invited to submit their papers
for possible inclusion in a special issue of Information Technology for
Development <http://globdev.org/dev/?q=node/8> (ITD) ****

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Notification of Intention to Submit (Optional): asap****

Paper/Panel Proposal Submission Deadline:  September 14, 2013****

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