[AISWorld] ToC Vol 9 Issue 2 International Journal of Knowledge Management

MurphJen at aol.com MurphJen at aol.com
Wed Sep 11 04:22:27 EDT 2013

The  contents of the latest issue of: 
International Journal of Knowledge Management  (IJKM) 
Official  Publication of the Information Resources Management  Association 
Volume 9,  Issue 2, April – June 2013  
Published: Quarterly in Print and  Electronically 
ISSN: 1548-0666 EISSN: 1548-0658 
Published  by IGI Publishing, Hershey,  Pennsylvania, USA 
_www.igi-global.com/ijkm_ (http://www.igi-global.com/ijkm)  
Editor-in-Chief: Murray E. Jennex, San Diego State University,  USA 
The Role of Expected Reciprocity in Knowledge  Sharing 
Megan L.  Endres (Department of Management, Eastern Michigan University, 
Ypsilanti, MI,  USA) and Sanjib Chowdhury (Department of Management, Eastern 
Michigan  University, Ypsilanti, MI, USA) 
The authors  investigated the effects of expected reciprocity on knowledge 
sharing, as  moderated by team and individual variables. Data (n = 84) was 
collected in an  experimental study from undergraduate business student 
participants. Effects of  expected reciprocity on knowledge sharing depended on 
the levels of individual  competence, positive team attitudes, functional 
diversity and demographic  diversity. Implications include that the 
effectiveness of reciprocity in  knowledge sharing depends on several factors relating 
to the team and  individual. Encouraging reciprocity may have positive 
effects, but these can be  overridden by poor team attitudes, low ability 
perceptions and team diversity.  Future research suggestions are offered. 
To obtain  a copy of the entire article, click on the link  below. 
To read a  PDF sample of this article, click on the link  below. 
Managing Knowledge: The Critical Role of Culture and Ownership as a  
Mediator of Systems 
Llandis Barratt-Pugh (Faculty of Business and Law,  School of Management, 
Edith Cowan University, Joondalup, WA, Australia),  Patricia Kennett (Edith 
Cowan University, Joondalup, WA,, Australia) and Susanne  Bahn (Centre for 
Innovation, School of Management, Edith Cowan University,  Joondalup, WA, 

For  organisations, an environment of continuous change positions knowledge 
as the  source of key competitive advantage and simultaneously mediates 
change to more  fluid structures. More flexible structures challenge the 
traditions of knowledge  flowing through hierarchical and formal chains of 
command. The emerging more  fluid and knowledge based organisational structures 
present new challenges for  developing, retaining and disseminating 
organisational knowledge. An area of  highly contested debate involves the harmony and 
integration of Knowledge  Management Systems (KMS) and changing 
organisational cultures. The paper  explores KMS and cultural interface through an 
analysis of three mature  organisational cases, identifying the key barriers that 
appear to prevent the  effective use of KMS. The study constructs a 
framework for exploring cultural  integration issues. The study confirms the 
primacy of culture in shaping  integration and the imperative of resourcing 
learning and development  programmes. The findings indicate that the critical 
issues organisations should  explore are the legitimacy of authoring, the 
transparency of filtering and  attribution, and the awareness of cultural 
dissonance. For practitioners the  study provides a framework for exploring employee 
participation relationships,  while academically the study confirms how 
existing cultural relations will shape  KMS relations and how the exploration 
of existing cultural exchange practices  should be equally weighted with 
practices to build employee capability.  Generating ownership may be the key to  
To obtain  a copy of the entire article, click on the link  below. 
To read a  PDF sample of this article, click on the link  below. 


An Empirical Investigation into the Influence of Knowledge Sharing  
Barriers on Knowledge Sharing and Individual Innovation Behaviour 
Salih Yeşil (Department of Business, Kahramanmaras  Sutcuimam University 
(KSU), Kahramanmaraş, Turkey) and Bengü Hırlak (Kilis 7  Aralık University, 
Kilis, Turkey)

Knowledge  sharing barriers reduce the propensity of individuals to share 
knowledge and  produce innovation behaviour. Thus, identifying barriers and 
their impact on  knowledge sharing and individual innovation behaviour is a 
potential research  area to study. Considering lack of studies in the 
literature, this study  provides further evidence regarding the implications of 
knowledge sharing  barriers in the workplace. Data was collected from eighty 
three academic staff  in a higher education institution and analysed with 
Smart PLS. The results  showed that organisation related knowledge sharing 
barriers are negatively  related to knowledge collecting and knowledge donating. 
The result also  indicates that individual knowledge sharing barriers have 
negative effect on  individual innovation behaviours. There was no link found 
in this study between  knowledge sharing and individual innovation 
behaviour. These findings provide  empirical evidence to the further development of 
knowledge management and  innovation research, and insights regarding how to 
better implement knowledge  sharing and foster innovation behaviour in  
To obtain  a copy of the entire article, click on the link  below. 
To read a  PDF sample of this article, click on the link  below. 

Improving Dynamic Knowledge Movements with a  Knowledge-Based Framework 
during Conceptual Design of a Green Building  Project 
Zohreh Pourzolfaghar (Department of Civil Engineering,  Faculty of 
Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia),  Rahinah 
Ibrahim (Department of Architecture, Faculty of Design and Architecture,  
Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia), Rusli Abdullah  
(Department of Information Systems, Faculty of Computer Science and Information  
Technology, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia), Nor Mariah  
Adam (Department of Mechanic, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Putra 
Malaysia,  Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia) and Abang Abdullah Abang Ali (Department 
of Civil  Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 
Serdang,  Selangor, Malaysia)

Many  researchers believe that tacitness of knowledge contributes to 
incomplete  knowledge flow. In this article, the authors focus on obtaining the 
required  mechanical and electrical tacit knowledge for architectural 
conceptual design  purpose by observing activities of a design team involved in a 
green building  project. The authors used the case study research methodology 
to demonstrate how  the authors could utilize Macmillan's conceptual design 
framework and integrate  it with the structure of repertory grid technique 
to obtain a framework of  knowledge-based conceptual design for a green 
building project. The contribution  of this study is developing a technique for 
capturing tacit knowledge during the  conceptual design process that leads to 
an improvement in knowledge movements  during the architectural conceptual 
design  stage. 
To obtain  a copy of the entire article, click on the link  below. 
To read a  PDF sample of this article, click on the link  below. 
For full copies  of the above articles, check for this issue of the 
International Journal of Knowledge  Management (IJKM) in your institution's 
library. This journal is also  included in the IGI Global aggregated 
"InfoSci-Journals" database: http://www.igi-global.com/eresources/infosci-journals.aspx. 
Mission of  IJKM: 
The primary objective of the International  Journal of Knowledge Management 
(IJKM) is to provide a comprehensive  cross discipline forum for advancing 
the understanding of the organizational,  technical, human, and cognitive 
issues associated with the creation, capture,  transfer and use of knowledge 
in organizations. The secondary objective of this  Journal is to share 
knowledge among researchers and practitioners with respect  to the design, 
development, implementation and maintenance of effective  knowledge management 
systems. The journal publishes high quality empirical and  theoretical research 
covering all aspects of knowledge management. In addition  to full-length 
research manuscripts, the journal publishes insightful research  and practice 
notes as well as case studies from all areas of knowledge  management. 
Coverage  of IJKM: 
The International Journal of Knowledge  Management (IJKM) covers all 
aspects of the knowledge management discipline,  from organizational issues to 
technology support to knowledge representation.  High quality submissions are 
encouraged using any qualitative or quantitative  research methodology. 
Submissions are especially encouraged covering the  following topics: 
·         Basic theories associated with knowledge creation,  knowledge 
management, and organizational  memory 
·         Case studies of knowledge management and  organizational memory 
·         Cognitive theories of knowledge management and  organizational 
·         Design of information and communication systems that  facilitate 
knowledge transfer and sharing 
·         Enablers and inhibitors of knowledge sharing and  knowledge 
transfer behaviors 
·         Global issues in knowledge management and  organizational memory 
·         Issues related to the capture, storage, search,  retrieval, and 
use of knowledge and organizational  memory 
·         Knowledge acquisition and transfer  processes 
·         Knowledge management in small and medium  enterprises 
·         Knowledge management  strategy 
·         Knowledge management training  issues 
·         Knowledge reuse in  organizations 
·         Knowledge transfer and sharing behaviors within  emergent 
organizational forms such as virtual  communities 
·         Methodologies and processes for developing knowledge  management 
·         Metrics and effectiveness of knowledge management and  
organizational memory systems 
·         Organizational and economic incentive structures for  knowledge 
sharing and use 
·         Organizational culture impacts on knowledge  management 
·         Organizational  learning 
·         Use of semantic networks, topic maps, the Internet,  digital 
documents, XML, taxonomies, ontologies, and other technologies to  implement 
knowledge management systems  
IGI  Global is pleased to offer a special Multi-Year Subscription Loyalty 
Program. In  this program, customers who subscribe to one or more journals 
for a minimum of  two years will qualify for secure subscription pricing. IGI 
Global pledges to  cap their annual price increase at 5%, which guarantees 
that the subscription  rates for these customers will not increase by more 
than 5% annually.   
Interested  authors should consult the journal's manuscript submission 
_www.igi-global.com/ijkm_ (http://www.igi-global.com/ijkm) . 
All  inquiries and submissions should be sent to: 
Editor-in-Chief:  Dr. Murray Jennex at _IJKMsubmission at aol.com_ 
(mailto:%20ijkmsubmission at aol.com)
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